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Generals Chatlog

Der Generals Chat mit Delphi, Elmar und H_Bomb ist zu Ende. Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt (den kompletten Chat findet ihr im Chatlog (Link)):

<[Admin]Cobby> [19:07] *Kaymaster* What makes C&C: Generals such a great online experience compared to other games of the genre?
Let’s see…
<[Admin]_crt> FYI (
We learned a WHOLE lot from doing RA2
Not sure where to start
One focus has been to make it better for the power users
Originally we wanted it to be really friendly to the newbies. That’s fine but the reality its the hardcore (y’all) that really play it seriously online
We’ve got – battle honors for acheivements, the Communicator so your buddies are ALWAYS accessible everywhere, personal ladders…
refined QuickMatch, new Custom Match
PS hey, we’re beating Spades! 🙂
<[Admin]Cobby> [19:07] *[A2Z]Avatar_MKII[Ldr* how close is Generals to completetion?
PPS I’m not slow – plz forgive the typos
We hit our alpha on Sept 15
That means all the stuff was in and we’re fixing bugs and polishing
We’re still adding a bit of stuff and wrapping missions but we’re in the close it out part now.
We’re also reworking our shell/GUI to make it more enjoyable and polished. Other than that, we’re in better shape than any game we’ve done before here at EAP
<[Admin]Cobby> [19:07] *LavaBeing* To what extent will a civilian AI be implemented? Will they just stand around in the middle of the street while tanks are rolling in, or will they take realistic actions like taking cover in buildings, taking up arms, or turning into angry mobs?
They run away from threats. We learned alot from the Maxis guys on Sim CIty 4 (which looks amazing, by the way).
They use something called „synchs & sources“ which is just a fancy name to describe how the civvies move around the battlefield
They don’t go in buildings though
<[Admin]Cobby> [19:24] *Calefaction* How will the environment contribute to gameplay in Generals?
That was one area we really wanted to hit home
No C&C has had more interactive terrain. You can run over trees, props, cars…
Lets scan the list for our next winner
blow up buildings and on and on
Don’t forget barrels! They explode nicely
<[Admin]Cobby> [19:24] *FBI_Agent* Will you have a Random Map generator like in RA2 / YR?
nope maybe in the future
we are releasing the World Builder though
Mission makers will be able to do anything we do
Probably more as you guys tend to be very creative!
Congrats to Delphi-EA! Oops 😉