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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Maps

CnCDen – Mapupdate

Auf der Homepage von CnCDen[/URL] wurden wieder neue Zero Hour Maps veröffentlicht, die ihr H I E R downloaden könnt. Hier seht ihr den original Text:

In Deep Water: [by angel_ace88]
-This is a 2-player Temp/Island map with a unique play feature. The center of the map is flooded, and the water will recede after a set period of time, giving you time to prepare for battle. Initially build space is somewhat limited, so this map is best use for Online play as the AI does not do that great on this map. Nonetheless, tis a very nice eye appealing map that nearly made the DEN“s featured map section if not for a few small issues and glitches.[MEHR]

Blood Gultch: [by eatmypoo]
-For multiplayer ONLINE ONLY. This is a 4-player Temp map that features mountainous terrain and lots of trees. Plenty of money and a variety of tech goodies. Bunkers at base entrances for added defenses. Good amount of room to build. Designed for team games.

Madness II: [by nameless]
-This is a 2-player Desert map. Features a river separating the players with three bridges as access. Plenty of money and a variety of tech goodies. Adequate room to build.

Skint: [by nameless]
-This is a 4-player Temp map designed for quickie games. Basically you have only one supply dock located in the middle. NOT for turtlers or the faint of heart, that“s for sure! A flat „no frills“ battle map.