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CnCDen – Neue ZH-Maps

Auf unserer Partnerseite CnCDen[/URL] wurden wieder neue Zero Hour Maps veröffentlicht. Forest Gump und Dark Bay Area wurden von Dark Bayman und Infantry Battle wurde von thomasalan erstellt.

Forest Gump:
-This is a 6-player elongated Temp map. Features mountain ridges and trees. Adequate supply of money and oil derricks up for grabs. Sufficient amount of room to build. This was designed for team play and work best if used for online play.

Dark Bay Area:
-This is a 6-player Temp map designed for team play online. Features a mountain ridge running diagonal through the center separating the players. Adequate supply of money and oil derricks up for grabs. Sufficient amount of room to build.

Infantry Battle: -This is a 4-player Temp/Urban map that features an un-manned base in the center with lots of goodies up for grabs to the one who can hold this area. Variety of tech goodies scattered about. Adequate supply of money and plenty of room to build.

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