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Filed under: C&C Generals Maps

CnCDen – Mapupdate

Und es gibt schon wieder Neues von unserer Partnerseite CnCDen[/URL] zu berichten. Lion hat wieder zwei neue Generals-Missionen in die Datenbank aufgenommen. Die Missionen sind nicht für Zero Hour/ Die Stunde Null.

Deep In War: [by The Master (NL)]
-In this USA mission you are tasked with destroying the China War Factory. Many traps await you, and the War Factory is very heavily defended. You“ll run into much resistance including Nuke Cannons. Best to take things slow at first.

Toxin Destruction: [by The Master (NL)]
-In this USA mission you must destroy the GLA Chemical Factory and Toxin Tanks. You will meet with moderate resistance, but beware of the guards near the Factory. Watch out for Scud Launchers, and watch your backside!