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HaloGen – Wöchentliche Updates

Nun gibt es auch wieder etwas von HaloGen[/URL] zu berichten. Das Team hat nun seit drei Wochen ein wöchentliches Update vorbereitet, das nun mit dem dritten Update veröffentlicht wurde. Hier sind die Waffenfabrik und drei Pics von der Anfertigung des Warthogs zu sehen. Desweiteren seht ihr ein kurze Beschreibung zu verschiedenen Einheiten&Fahrzeugen.


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Beschreibung der Anfertigung:
Making the Warthog – Part One
Modeling with Dispraiser

The Modeling Sheet
This is sorta my own trick, that I invented a little over a year ago when I was modeling something with complicated geometry. Basically, I print off a sheet of paper with a picture of the unit on it. In this case, the Warthog. Then, I go through, and I start drawing lines over the major geometry. In the warthog you can see the lines over the entire body of the thing. The interior and guns were handled on different sheets. Then, I draw on little arrows to tell me how to extrude the polygons later. They are all symbols that mean something to me. I also write little notes on there.

In any case, once that is finished, I check it for coherency, and figure out where to start. In this case, I started with the hood of the Warthog, and modeled back. With a little hinging, some extrusion, and lots of editing, I had finished up the front half of the Hog. This is a screen of my workspace in 3ds Max. I have the fax viewer so it’s always on top, so I can see images of the object, at the cost of one of my viewports. The others I use to do the normal things Max does…

Once I’m finished with the model, I check the polygon count, to make sure it is low enough to work in Generals without causing considerable lag, and I render the model, before sending it off to team leader Chronomaw to approve it.

The render above uses a technique called clay rendering. It’s very simple… But it produces beautiful results. I assigned some material IDs, something Halo mappers for CE should be very familiar with, and colored the warthog something like what it is. After that, I have to unwrap the model, which is too boring to talk about here.

In any case, that concludes my modeling segment. Next week one of our skinners will get interviewed by me, Dispraiser, and I will post what he says as we continue with… Making the Hog…

The Units of the UNSC:

Rifle Marine
Cheap, rifle armed Marine. Several upgrades make the Rifle Marine formidable, but it’s no helljumper…

Demo Marine
Toting a rocket launcher and just enough training to make sure friendly fire accidents don’t happen with high explosives. Armed with the SPNKR dual barreled rocket launcher, he can stop small tanks in their tracks…

ODST Helljumper
ODSTs are the toughest humans in the galaxy, bar the Spartans. They literally fall “feet first into hell.” The ODST Helljumper is rifle armed, and far superior to the Rifle Marine.

ODST Recon
The ODST Recon is a marksman that tries to kill the Covenant soldiers when they are dots on the horizon… They can be upgraded to have a spotter that walks along with them.

Master Chief
The UNSC’s hero unit, Master Chief, is a one man army, a true army of one… His aim is the truest of any Human, and his strength comparable to several dozen humans. With his MJOLNIR armor, Master Chief destroys all who oppose him…

The ATV can scale mountains and cross the most dangerous of territory to find enemy soldiers. The rider’s gun is the only weapon aboard the tiny craft, making it ill suited for combat roles, but with its long range, the ATV makes an excellent recon unit.

I doubt I need to explain what this unit does. It kills things with Chainguns, Rockets and Guass cannons, and heals friendlies with its medical attachment. Stop by the site for a full render of all five variants.

Scorpion MBT
The Scorpion is the UNSC’s biggest, baddest anti-son of a bitch (clichéd) unit. It has a massive cannon and a coaxial chaingun to tear apart infantry and tank alike… It makes even the most fearsome Covenant shudder in terror, to see this behemoth leveling it’s sights near them…

Siege Tank
The siege tank is a mortar tank that can rain artillery shells on unsuspecting targets from distances vastly superior to the Scorpion. It can fire further than it can see, though, so it’s best used when in conjunction with an ATV for recon.

The Pelican Dropship can carry soldiers and vehicles into battle. The Siege tank is too heavy for it to carry, though.

The Skyhawk is an infantry support hovering fighter, armed with chainguns and rockets to destroy medium threats.

The Longsword is not a playable unit, though it can be used to call in airstrikes with some ease. Napalm, Smart Bombs and carpet bombing, oh my!

Basically a wiry Pelican, the Pterodactyl supply retrieval vehicle has two massive front engines, two smaller rear engines, a large crane in the middle for picking up supply pallets, and a cabin for the pilot. The rest is pretty… Thin…