Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour / CnC Die Stunde Null

CnCDen – Neue Mod + Maps

Von unserer Partnerseite CnCDen.com[/URL] gibt es auch wieder Neues. Das Team hat eine neue Zero Hour Mod und zwei neue Zero Hour Maps veröffentlicht. Die Mod heißt „True Blue USA“ und sie wurde von Bulldogrsp61 erstellt. Die Maps heißen „Godlands“ und Beyond the „Battle“.

True Blue USA:
-One for the USA Lovers! This mod adds a slightly more realistic ranging of weapons and a little more bang for your buck along with a few other little surprises for those USA players that like stomping the snot bubbles out of the Chinese hordes and the GLA terrorists!

-Multiplayer Online ONLY Map. This is an eye appealing 8-player Temp map designed for team play. Features lots of water and several cities scattered about the map. Water on the map adds interest. Plenty of money and some tech structures available. Adequate room to build.

Beyond the Battle:
-Multiplayer Online ONLY Map. This is an eye appealing 2-player Temp/Urban map. Features a river and two small cities separating the players. There are cars and people moving about for added realism. Plenty of money and room to build.