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Neuer SuM Artikel und Screens

Laut HdR-I gibt es wieder einen neuen SuM-Artikel auf MEMW wie unsere Partnersite SuM-Fanpage berichtet.

In dem Artikel geht es anfangs über die alte Westwood-Crew und etwas allgemeiner über RTS. Im zweiten Teil geht es dann um SuM in einer fast fertigen Version. Der Artikel ist schon fast selbstverständlich mit neuem Bildmaterial versehen.

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

in September of 2003 Electronic Arts officially announced the development of an upcoming Lords of the Rings game by EA Pacific – Lord of the Rings : Battle for Middle Earth. At the time, hype surrounding all Lord of the Rings based games was very strong due to the success and popularity of the movies although it was soon learned that there were not one but two Real-Time Strategy games based on the franchise in development for the PC. One title, LOTR: War of the Ring, was being published by Vivendi Entertainment in late 2003 / early 2004 utilizing the book fiction. The other, LOTR : Battle for Middle Earth, was being published by Electronic Arts using the movie license with a release date focused towards the end of 2004. RTS gamers and LOTR fans alike began rushing message boards trying to gather as much information as possible on both games. Some felt that a movie license would limit the creative ability of the developers while others felt that the book license would give developers too much to work with essentially creating a world that neither RTS fans nor LOTR fans would be familiar with. In some ways, both were right but only to a certain extent.

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