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Cold War Crisis wird 1 Jahr:)

Cold War Crisis feiert sein einjähriges Bestehen! Denn genau 1 Jahr ist es her seit dem Hexman, Shadow, SFC, Darky und Widowmaker die Idee zu Cold War Crisis bekommen haben und diese angefangen haben aktiv umzusetzen:)

Jetzt haben Sie bereits über 750 Registrierte User und fast 6500 Posts sowie 160000 Hits gesammelt:)

Wir von CnCHQ wünschen CWC alles Gute zum Geburtstag und wünschen euch noch viele erfolgreiche Modding Jahre:)

Englische Version

1 Year CWC … 1 year ago Hexman, SHADOW, SFC, darky and I (Widowmaker) had the idea to develop our very own mod. Since the beginning we knew CWC will be a very big project and that we will have to spent a lot of time on it. After 1 month of working quietly on CWC we’ve decided to go public with some screens.
From this day on our fanbase grew larger and larger.
Today we have over 750 registred members , nearly 6500 posts and almost 160000 hits.
Some of you visit our page nearly every day.

We came out of nowhere and you guys accepted us from the beginning. Without such a fanbase it wont be that fun to work on CWC.

So we just wanna say


… for a wonderful year!

You can prepare yourself to see some cool stuff during this second CWC year … and hopefully to play CWC.

As a little birthday gift from us to you we will show you some hot ingame battle shots from our latest CWC Alpha version. You can find the screens in the comments of this news post


The CWC-Team