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Act of Teritorium Turnier

KingsRevenge von unserer englischen Partnerseite Act of vernstaltet ein interessantes Turnier und zwar Act of Teritorium.

Der Sinn des Turniers ist die Kontrolle über alle teile des Teritoriums auf der Map zu erhalten. jedes Team kann nur auf einem teil des Territoriums Krieg führen weil die Teams selbst nicht so groß sind.

Die Captains der Teams müssen vereinbaren auf welchen Territorium sie kämpfen wollen.
Sobald die Vereinbarung getroffen ist hat jedes Team 7 Tage Zeit das Territorium für sein Team zu gewinnen. Ich hoffe es ist klar warum ein Abkommen getroffen wird und um welches Terriotrium man kämpft.

Captain1: Ich möchte Krieg auf Faust des Sandes führen.
Captain2: Ich möchte Krieg auf Alcatraz führen.
Original News:

The object of the tournament is to gain control of all the pieces of territory on the game map. Each team can only wage war on one piece of territory at a time because the teams themselves aren’t that large. A mutual agreement must be made by the captains of each team on which piece of territory they will fight over. Once the agreement is made, each team will have up to one week, 7 days, from the announcement of which territory is being fought over to attempt to win the territory for their team. I hope this part is clear for deciding upon which territory needs to be chosen to fight on. I will explain this in the following scenario:
Captain 1: I want to wage war on fist full of sand
Captain 2: I want to wage war on Alcatraz
Captain 1: Since you don’t like fist full of sand at the moment, and I don’t care for Alcatraz how about we do the day after.
Captain 2: the day after sounds good to me

Now both captains tell their teams the territory they will fight over, and dispatches the team dropship to the territory to claim it.

Once the territory of choice has been established there are certain rule sets that must be followed for each territory. The first element is the map. Whichever map the territory is based on must be played by players of both teams ti’ll the win conditions for the territory are met. There are kind of two ways to win a round, but the most prominent one that will be reached is the amount of wins needed for a piece of territory to be controlled and owned by a team. For example on Alcatraz, the team to achieve 8 wins first wins the territory for themselves. If there is a tie then the team to reach the next highest ‘nth’ point will win the territory for their team. The next aspect to approach is since this tournament is a team based tournament, there will be more than 2-3 people on each teams roster. Just incase one teammate is particularly strong on a certain map wit ha certain side, there is a loss rule in effect. For specific territories there is a certain amount of times each player on a team can die. On Alcatraz there is a 2 Losses MAXIMUM Per Player(MPP). Once a player losses twice he will no longer be able to play for his squad on that piece of territory. He/orSHE(shygirl- incase she decides to join) will have to wait until war is waged on another piece of territory for him to become active again on the game play roster. This is here to help spice things up, we’ll see how it works as the tournament goes along, so don’t lose people . The next attribute territories have is a Supply. Supplies are the amount of times a certain team can be played on a given territory. This will allow for a team to better utilize members of their team when they need them the most. On Alcatraz the amount of supplies is as follows: USA:3,CST:3,TFT:4. This means that USA each team ahs the option to use USA 3 times, CST 3 times, and TFT 4 times on the Alcatraz territory. By this, it means that if you have recruited lots of USA and CST players, it may help to recruit a good TFT player for good measure.

Now that’s the basics of how it all should work I hope it should all run smoothly.
I’ll try to spam some crap in here now to get any lingering points I’m thinking about across. There will be a draft for each team, I’m thinking that on these forums people will vote for who they want to be team captains, then from there the team captains will draft turn by turn the players they want on their team. Team captains will need to be responsible for keeping track of the amount of supplies each other are using on their territories and the win total for each territory. Another thing is replays of each match will need to be posted in the tournaments forum under whichever topic is created for the week of battle. That’s all I can really think of for the moment, if there are any questions ask them on the forum.

– KingsRevenge