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BfMETournament Verlängerung

BFME Turnier 1vs1 Registrieren

MEVAULT hat BFMETournaments verlassen.
Deshalb musste BFMETournament das Turnier umstrukturieren.
Daher müssen alle, die sich für das World Turnier eingeschrieben haben, das Anmeldeformular noch einmal ausfüllen und abschicken. Das dies Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, hat BfMETournament die Anmeldefrist verlängert und auf den SEPT. 24th 2005 gesetzt.

Für neue Spieler die am Turnier teilnehmen möchten, folgt dem Link.

So könnt ihr dann an unserem Unglaublichen World Turnier teilnehmen.

„Registrieren“ Link:

Registrieren für Clan Kämpfe

English Version
BFME 1v1 World Tournament has been bumped 2 weeks!

Due to the unmerging of BFME Tournaments with MEV we have lost contact with quite a few players who originally signed up. So in this I want to extend the date by 2 weeks! So we may include all players world wide. So the new date is SEPT. 24th 2005

If you are one of those players who has signed up when BFME Tournaments was at MEV please make sure to re-signup ASAP at this link.

If you have already followed the above link, and sign-up at Clanwars your name should be on this list.

If your name is not on the above list than you need to go back and check to make sure you followed all these steps!

If you have any questions please contact Sledgehammer70 ASAP, I am looking forward to a huge tournament turnout, so make sure to join ASAP