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Patch 1.03 für SuM1

Apoc hat im auf den neuen SuM Patch 1.03 aufmerksam gemacht.

Es wird vor allem Veränderungen im Balancing geben, die sich „für einige Spieler sicher extrem anfühlen werden, aber allen SuM-Spielern gut tun werden“.

Im Forum-Thread, den ihr unter den Links findet, sind alle Änderungen aufgeführt.

Es geht z.B. um den Balrog-Schaden (Gandalf vs. Balrog, Adler vs. Balrog), um die Upgrades bei Infanterie-Einheiten und um die Dauer der beschworenen Elben und Adler (jeweils um 30 Sekunden gekürzt).


Veröffentlicht wird der Patch in ca. 3 Wochen, da er nächste Woche Mittwoch erstmal auf mögliche Bugs etc. getestet wird.

Tja, dem müssen wir uns wohl nun fügen und damit zurecht kommen…Wir sind gespannt!

Hier die Liste der Allgemeinen Änderungen (leider auf Englisch):


– Darkness and Freezing rain now take longer to recharge (5 min) than their effectiveness time (3 min)
– Cloudbreak recharge time is now 6m 15s
– Summoned Elves duration reduced (2 mins from 3 mins)
– Summoned Eagles duration reduced (1m30s from 2 mins)

– Balrog now have a faster wings-takeoff animation (0.7s from 1.7s), improving the AotD vs Balrog scenario balance
– Balrog sensibly more resistant to magic damage like the one from Lightning Strike (80% damage taken from 100%)
– AotD damage vs the Balrog reduced (approx. 30% of the original)
– Balrog whip can now target air units, reload increased (30s from 5s), damage vastly increased (1 whip = dead eagle, 1/3rd health nazgul, half health lvl5 White Gandy), heroes can’t resist it’s knockback anymore
– Balrog whip attack now has a special damage multiplier (x15) making it able to overflow Gandalf’s bubble shield and bring a full health level 10 White Wizard down to 40% health. Lethal damage if Gandalf is casting any spell
– Balrog now takes less damage from Eagles (40% from 100%)

– All infantry Forged Blades damage per second reduced by one third
– All basic infantry now more resistant to specialist damage (Pikemen, Tower Guard, Soldier of Rhun). It’s now 29%/20% damage taken (from 50%/40%, without/with heavy armor).
– Basic Infantry Heavy armor fire vulnerability slightly increased (20% damage taken from 0%)
– Catapult, trebuchet (60% from 100%) and ballista (50% from 100%) now more resistant to Ent damage
– FoD Castle Towers base damage increased (25 from 20)
– Final balance of cavalry:
Howl Warg > HS Knights > Rohirrim > Wargs > Knights ~= Rohirrim (HS = Horseshields)
FU Knights > FU Rohirrim > FU Wargs (FU/Full Upgrade = Horseshields+Forged Blades+Heavy Armor)
– All combo hordes now get special bonuses: +10% dmg, +10 armor for melee+ranged, +20% armor for melee+cavalry and 120% dmg for pike+ranged or pike+melee

– FoD’s outer slaughterhouses cost reduced (300 from 350) and provides similar
cash as a lumbermil with 4 laborers (220 from 150 credits per minute). Ranks up to level 2 faster (6 min), when it matches a lumbermill production with 6 laborers (255 cpm). At rank 3, on the 23 min mark, provides 270 credits per minute.
– Outpost (expansion) Citadels now have new models and are garrissonable, cost lowered (600 from 800). New mordor outpost hosts batts visibly and on top of them, batts take advantage of auras but die if the outpost is destroyed.
– Outpost Citadels health sensibly reduced (2700 from 4000), can’t be entered while repairing
– Warg Lairs now drop 2 chests with 120-160 gold (from 50) and Trolls Lairs drop 4 chests with 150-180 gold. Total average is 280 gold from a warg lair and 660 gold from a troll lair.
– Neutral Warg now does more damage to structures (33% from 10%)
– Neutral Warg now does more damage vs citadels (90% damage vs 33%)
– Neutral Troll now has a larger guarding range (375 from 350)
– Creep lairs are now more vulnerable to cavalry (crush) damage (56% damage taken from 50%). In practice that means 10 less blows from an unupgraded knight or rohirrim to destroy.