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An Act of War Update & Staff Suche

Bei An Act of War gibt es wieder neue Render Pics zu bewundern:

Um diese Bilder zu vergrößern, einfach darauf klicken!

Außerdem Sucht das An Act of War Team noch neue Staffis, im laufe der Zeit haben immer mehr Staffis das Team verlassen und so geht die Arbeit leider immer langsamer vorran.
Wenn Ihr interesse habt im An Act of War Team mitzuarbeiten, dann solltet Ihr folgende Vorraussetzungen mitbringen:

– Modeling
– Texturing
– Mapping
– Map scripting
– 2D art
– Music
– Particle effects
– Sound effects

Sendet euere bisherigen Arbeiten einfach an: [][/EMAIL]


Now that we’ve got the goodies out of the way, I have an announcement. An Act of War needs your help! We’ve lost several staff members over the months, and we’re severely understaffed. I’m the only texture artist, and at the moment, I’m in charge of simply too much as well. We’re well on our way to getting v2.0 finished, but without more help, our rate of work is slowing down.

If you can help out (long term or short term) with:
– Modeling
– Texturing
– Mapping
– Map scripting
– 2D art
– Music
– Particle effects
– Sound effects
– Anything you think might be useful

Simply send an email with a sample of your work to: [][/EMAIL]