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Filed under: Battlefield 1942 Mods

Conflict in Somalia eingestellt

Leider, ihr lest richtig. Das Mod Team stellt die Arbeiten ein. Es wird auch keine Umsetzung mit der BF2 Engine geben. Aber lest die Originalnews am besten selbst:

Well, in my eyes the release was a total flop, which is more than what I expected anyways. Its been a long ride, but I have to do something that really makes me sad.
Because our server has been taken down due to lack of activity, there is no reason for me to work on a 1.1 patch. I would like to thank all the guys at CKUA for being generous enuff to loan us the server.
I would also like to thank Trahn and Roadrunner from the EOD mod, because without them the mod wouldnt have even been released.
And finally I would like to thank Psy and Dingo for sticking in there, talk about patience 😛
With those words I would like to say that the mod is officially closed and all work, however little it was, has been stopped.
This will be the last official news update made on this site.

Signing off,
-Kamakazi and the CiSBHD team