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Filed under: EaW: Pre & Reviews

Neues Preview bei Worthplaying

Bei Worthplaying[/url] gab es ein neues Preview zu Empire at War! In dem Preview werden keine neuen Fakten genannt, dafür bestätigt der Autor nochmals, was sich die meisten eh schon denken können. Der Autor kommt zu dem Schluss, dass EaW eine neue Erfolgsgeschichte für LucasArts wird.

Star Wars has been a beloved franchise for almost 30 years now, and we’re still being wowed by both the films and the games that come along with them. It’s not hard to see why it’s been so successful: Great characters, stories, and visuals as well as impressive music and sound all lend an enormous likability to both the films and the game. Star Wars: Empire at War is sure to be the latest success story for the series as well as a star attraction for real-time strategy fans everywhere.

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