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Filed under: Act of War: High Treason News

Patch am Montag oder Dienstag

In den ATARI Foren wurde ein Q&A zum nächsten Patch gepostet! In diesem Q&A erfährt man unter anderem, dass der nächste Patch, der eigentlich schon Freitag hatte erscheinen sollen, am Montag oder Dienstag erscheinen soll und was er beinhalten soll. Neben verschiedenen Bug-Fixes wird es endlich den High Treason Map Editor geben, der Direct Action Maps für HT konvertieren können wird. Außerdem wird es endlich die lang geforderten, sehnlichst erwarteten Mod Tools geben, mit deren Hilfe man 3DS Max Modelle ins Spiel importieren kann, was bedeutet, dass, ein Jahr nachdem Act of War erschienen ist und die Community AoW fast schon aufgegeben hat, endlich Mods erstellt werden können. Der Patch wird gepackt 100MB groß sein, entpackt sogar 400MB.

Hier das ganze Q&A im Überblick:

Q: When will the Act of War: High Treason patch be available?

A: We’re hoping to go live with it this coming Monday-Tuesday. It was supposed to be last Friday, but a couple issues were discovered in last moment.
Q: What if I have the Direct2Drive version? (Direct2Drive’s web site states you have to get patches from them?)

A: The „D2D patch“ has been implemented into „our“ patch so that it’s the same download for everyone.

Q: Where do I go to download the patch?

A: High Treason uses the same autopatcher as Direct Action. The easiest way to download the patch (and check if it’s available) is to simply launch the Online mode. When you connect to the GameSpy server, it always checks which version of the game you have. If it detects that you have an older version than is currently available, it will offer you to download the newer version (i.e. the patch).

Q: What has changed/been added in the patch?

A: We’ve added the High Treason map editor (that can also import and convert Direct Action maps) and a modding tool which allows you to change the properties of existing models, or import new ones and then save as a new version of the game (a „mod“; please note that neither of these are „officially supported“, and that you’ll need 3DStudio Max to create your own models.)

There’s a bunch of optimizations and issues that have been fixed, please refer to the patch readme file for a full description (I’m sure someone will post it to the forum, too.)

Q: How large is the patch?

A: I believe the download is about 150MB and once installed, it’ll have added about 400MB of data.

Q: Can I still use my current save games and replays after I’ve installed the patch?

A: Yes, old and new saves and replays are compatible. Old navy game replays will however still play incorrectly.

Q: When will the NEXT patch come out?

A: Patience… We haven’t scheduled the NEXT patch and it’s final content hasn’t been finally locked down, so we’ll play this one by ear.