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Rep Info 1.7 für C&C Gen / ZH (Anti Maphack Tool)

Heute hat uns Sjanito auf das Tool Rep Info 1.7 aufmerksam gemacht. Danke an Sjanito für den Hinweis:)

Beschreibung: Rep info 1.7, dieses kleine aber feine Tool, lässt euere Replay Sammlung für C&C Generäle, C&C Die Stunde Null und BFME 2 auf einen blick übersichtlicher darstellen, somit werden Infos wie Karte, mitspieler und Fraktion übersichtlich dargestellt. Außerdem ist es ein Anti Maphack Tool.

Hinweis: Dieses Tool ist nicht nur ein Replay Reader, sondern auch ein Anti Maphack Tool, das Programm muss allerdings wärend dem Spielen mit C&C Generals, C&C Zero:Hour oder Battle for Middle-Earth II gestartet sein.
Sollte dann jemand ein Maphack Tool nutzen, schlägt das Tool sofort Alarm. Außerdem könnt Ihr mit diesem Tool Replays testen, ob in diesen Spielen ein Maphack Tool eingesetzt wurde. Bei Positiver erkennung wird die Lampe bei „MH“ Rot.

Hinzu kommt das eine Maphack Liste aller Spieler die schon ein mal aufgefallen sind vorhanden ist und ohne Probleme abrufbar sind.

Allgemeine Info:
Außerdem könnt Ihr in diesem Tool auch Buddys und Nick Names finden die eines der Games online Spielen.

Unterstützte Spiele:
C&C Generals / Generäle
C&C Zero:Hour / Die Stunde Null
BFME 2 / HdR SuM 2

Rep Info Log:

RepInfo v1.7 (31.03.2006)
[+] Find method (by game type: 1v1, 2v3, etc…)
[+] Fast application startup (in Options => File Association)
[+] Database window button (Whois, dynamic UID list)
[+] MDI window for WHOIS
[+] Replay folders shortcuts panel
[+] Ability to load databases after the program has launched (in command line add “/fast” after program path+name [w/o quotes])


RepInfo v1.6 (09.03.2006)
[+] Self learn ability for Map Hackers Database
[+] Hint over a semaphore (red or yellow).
[!] Fixed replays description at “Patch” panel. Now it can display information from replay in correct language.
[!] Fixed problems with Date and time from CCG and sometimes with ZH replays.
[+] “Save By Request” feature (in R.A.S.E. window)
[+] Skip saving replay if it size doesn’t exceeds Min allowed file size
[*] Separate databases (UID, MH, SPEC) for each game
[*] Supported Games: ZH, CCG, BFME2
[+] Explorer context menu items for CCG
[+] “Find” results window gives the user ability to delete, copy and move replays thought context menu or using Drag n Drop.
[+] “Find” supports 3 games now
[+] 2 ways to update database (from files (XML, TXT) and from custom folder). Note: TXT format updates only MH databases.
[+] Added option that allows user to add replay played date into it name (in R.A.S.E. window)


RepInfo v1.5 (20.02.2006)
[+] Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Replays SUPPORT
[!] Multilanguage problems with fonts fixed (some of them)
[+] „Update Database From A File“ feature
[*] Language file structure
[!] Fixed Error with incorrect Players list in hint
[+] Added some items to the Explorer Context Menu
[!] Fixed problem with grayed Enable/Disable RISE button
[+] Maps previews included in archive
[+] New database format (XML)
[+…] Automatic MH list updater


RepInfo v1.4 (01.01.2006)
[+] Multilanguage support
[+] Added „Enable R.A.S.E. and Launch ZH“ ability in context menu for „.rep“ files
[+] List of possible Players if their UID is static In the form of hint over the replay players list


RepInfo v1.3 (01.01.2006)
[+] Added Explorer Context Menu Items for „.rep“ files (Auto rename, View in RepInfo)
[+] R.A.S.E. can now save files in specific folders
[+] Scan custom folder for replays and update UID database
[!] Fixed Search by UID bug
[+] Replay saving log.
[+] Sounds ALARM when Map Hacker found
[+] Tray icon menu


RepInfo v1.3 beta (18.12.2005)
[*] Association of *.REP files with RepInfo is now working properly and fully configurable in Options dialog.
[*] UID instead of IP
[+] Options Dialog
[!] Scroll in file list while viewing as Report
[+…] MH list.


RepInfo v1.2 (14.12.2005)
[!] Bug fixed. While searching „Random Faction“ it doesn’t displays any results.
[!] Bug fixed. Replays info doesn’t displays. U can fix it yourself. Open explorer, menu „TOOLS“ -> „Folder Options“ -> window appear. In that window: Tab „VIEW“ and disable checkbox „Hide extensions for known file types“. Or u can just download newer version. This bug also affect while after search you are using dbl click to locate that file in main window of RepInfo.
[+] Replay Auto Save Engine (R.A.S.E.) with Global Enable/Disable Hotkey and a lot of parameters.
[+] Association of *.REP files with RepInfo.
[+] Added sort (through right click menu) and mouse wheel scroll ability in file list box.
[+] Added search by rating.
[*] RepInfo is now a little bit more resistant to Error Message „Access violation at…“. Instead of that error, program Shows „Unknown“ String in suspected part of information in the top table, Otherwise „Invalid replay file“ message displayed.
[*] Modified interface, caused by program expansion.
[+] Added „Search in subfolders“
[+] Added ability to change view style in search and file list windows


RepInfo v1.1 (08.12.2005)
[+] View information about SELECTED replay, such as:
· Player names
· Factions
· Colors
· Team
· IP
· Port
· Date & Time played
· Map preview
· Patch version
· Starting money
· Approximate game length
[+] From now, it’s easy to locate player country or even city.
[+] Search mechanism allows finding any necessary replay by following parameters:
· Factions
· Players IP
· Players names
[+] Self-learning IP Database. It stores players names and IP’s. If you met unknown player name, just look in database, maybe player is using already known IP. Ha-ha, it is hard to hide now! 🙂
[+] Replay Rate System (R.R.S.) for your own needs

Das Tool wurde von Saurman erstellt und hat sogar einen Installer dabei incl. uninstaller.