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Release Termin für das Addon

Release Termin für das Addon

Release Termin für das Addon „Der Aufstieg des Hexenkönigs“ :
es gibt drei Daten, den 17, 28 und den 30. November 2006. Und die Preise schwanken zwischen : 16 € bis hin zu 35 € was der helle Wahnsinn ist. Bei Amazon kann man es schon ab dem 17 Nov. kaufen. Na wir werden sehen.

Edit: Da einige es nicht Glauben konnten, hier die Meinung von..

mvault schreibt dazu:
With the unconfirmed release date of BFME2 ROTWK coming closer to us each day, I have found some links to a few sites that reveal some pre-release pricing for the game. Gameplanet store in New Zealand has the game listed for $75.95 ZD „$48.28 USD“ This price reflects a new game purchase rather than an expansion and makes me wonder if the games in New Zealand are just that much more expensive. Gameplanet store also has the game listed for release on November 16th 2006.

Once I found Gameplanet had the game listed I did my rounds to all the major retailers for games and found that EB Games has the expansion set for a November 28th release date with a $29.99 USD price tag, again another date for release that varies from the other sites.

Now Amazon UK also has BFME2 ROTWK listed in their shops for £16.99 „$21.99 USD“ This price seems a bit more directed at an expansion, and is well within the price range for this game. Now the most interesting part about this find is the date they have listed for release, here is a quote from Amazon UK’s site:
This item will be released on 17 November, 2006. Pre-order now! Dispatched from and sold by