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Blitzkrieg II – Patch angekündigt

Auf der Homepage der Mod „Blitzkrieg II: The Finest Hour“ kündigte Phoib heute morgen einen Patch an. Bei der aktuellen Version der Mod kommt es häufig zu Mismatches, deren Quelle die Entwickler nicht finden können. Daher haben die Macher einen Preis auf die Entdeckung der Ursache ausgeschrieben.

Whoever finds the source of the mismatches, gets the following prize:

[*]A custom map/challenge/mission to his/her specifications.
Map should preferably be in Europe, Africa is an option as well. Asia or America are not recommended.
[*]Ask 2 units of his/her choice, that are not yet in Blitzkrieg II, but which were really contructed/designed, to be included on the map.
These units must have operated in Europe, or must have been intended to be used in Europe. They must have either been constructed or designed (example; the P1000 Ratte was designed. Flying saucers were not.) Units must have designs that are usable in Zero Hour, if you win the prize, you will be consulted on this. Units may include buildings.
[*]Become a beta tester for new Blitzkrieg2 releases.

Ansonsten wird der Patch einige kleine Bugfixes und Arts enthalten, eventuell sogar KI.
Für nähere Infos besucht bitte die Homepage der Mod.