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Kein Montags Update

Wie einige schon festgestellt haben, gab es gestern kein Montags Update. EA Predator hat dazu heute was ins offizielle EA Forum geschrieben. Er teilt der Community mit, das durch technische Schwierigkeiten das versprochene Video noch nicht fertig ist. Das Video wird aber noch diese Woche mit einem Wallpaper und einen kleinen Interview mit Amir Rahimi veröffentlicht. Hier der Post von EA Predator:

Hey guys,

I ran into some technical difficulties in preparing the video today for Middle-earth Monday and rather than give you guys another wallpaper, we decided to post-pone MEM for today and look to get it up on the site later this week.

It was meant to be a short vignette gameplay video. My apologies, I will let you guys know when the „Middle-earth Asset“ of the week goes up. We will not look to postpone next weeks MEM because of this week. You’ll just get them a bit closer. Ok, give me a flame or two, i’m ready.

I’ll be posting a short Q&A with producer Amir Rahimi tomorrow and will look to get him answering more of your questions about Rise of the Witch-king. Lastly, post ideas about what you would like to see in Middle-earth Monday. Do you want screenshots of certain parts of the game, short gameplay video, more wallpapers, let me know some ideas and i’ll do my best to make it happen.
