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Neues von Amir Rahimi bei MEV

EA Predator hat im Forum von Middle Earth Vault die Fragen der User im Thread „ROTWK Q&A“ an Amir Rahimi geschickt, der darauf auch gleich geantwortet hat. So teilt er z.B. den Leuten mit das Angmar sich ungefähr wie die Zwerge spielen lassen wird (Robust aber eher langsam) das es außer den neuen Maps für die Kampagne auch neue Maps für den Multiplayer- und Ringkrieg Modus geben wird, das die Einzelspieler Kampagne ca. 10 Stunden dauern wird und noch einiges mehr. Hier der komplette Post von Amir Rahimi mit den neuen Infos über das Addon „Aufstieg des Hexenkönigs„:

1.With the addition of Angmar in ROTWK, how will EA balance the evil factions vs. the good factions? Now that there will be 4 evil “Mordor, Goblins, Isengard & Angmar” and 3 good “MOTW, Dwarves & Elves”.

Angmar, like the Dwarves, is slower yet stronger than most other factions. They can also build strong walls and defenses. Therefore, we feel as though Angmar fills a void that was in left in BFME2 since none of the evil sides had these attributes. Other balance changes that we made across the game were meant to further separate elite units from basic units in an effort to make elite units even more attractive in the late stages of the game. Another important balance change that we made was to the game’s siege weapons. We found that in BFME2, for the most part, it wasn’t worth building siege weapons to take out an opponent’s base since upgraded elite units were more cost effective. We have made several changes to the siege weapons in order to solve this problem. For instance, we’ve sped up siege weapons so that they are now about as fast as the game’s slower units. We’ve also made some changes that result in infantry being less effective against structures.

2. Will the new ROTWK campaign maps be the only new map additions to the expansion?

There will also be a more than a dozen new maps available for multiplayer, skirmish, and War of the Ring modes. These maps consist of a combination of brand new maps, converted campaign maps, and even a few of the most popular BFME1 maps.


3. In BFME2 each faction had a fortress “Super Power” What will ROTWK’s Angmar bring to the battlefield?

Angmar will have access to the Sanctum of the Witch-king. This monument lowers Angmar hero revive time and cost by a certain percent per Sanctum on the map. It also fires a huge ice boulder that does massive amounts of frost damage to all units. Any unit that does not die, get their movement speed reduced by a certain amount.

4. What new Create-A-Hero Powers will the Troll class have access to?

The Troll Class will share powers with the Servants of Sauron, but will also have access to a few new powers such as the ability to dominate other Trolls and perform a very powerful leap attack.

5. Outside the addition of the Troll class to Create-A-Hero, have any new powers been added to the overall layout?

Instead of adding new powers to the existing classes, we decided to greatly increase the depth of hero creation by introducing a innovative new cost system which assigns a cost to each power in the feature. The sum of costs of the chosen powers are the build cost of the hero in game. This cost system serves multiple purposes: First of all, it adds a level of balance to the feature that it was in great need of. We all know that not all powers are equal in strength and effectiveness. In BFME2 it didn’t matter how many (or which) powers the player chose for his hero; all heroes would end up costing the same amount of resources in game. With this new cost system, players can fine tune the cost of their hero to fit with their overall strategy. For example, when I play as the Men of the West, I use lots of Gondor Soldiers, Archers, and Rohan Spearmen until I can get to Rohirrim and Rangers. Therefore I like to create a Hero of the West that only has the Leadership and Train Allies powers. With only these two powers, my hero only costs 780, so I can get him out nice and early and use him to buff my basic units while I build up towards my elite units.

6. Will Angmar share “Power Point” summons and powers from other factions such as Warchant, or Healing powers etc.?

Like all of the factions in BFME2, Angmar will share a few power point summons with other evil factions, but they will also have some unique ones. A few of the interesting new powers include:

Fell Wind – This is a 5 point power that blows strong gusts of wind from all directions knocking all enemies within its area of effect into a large pile. This spell has turned out to be one of the most satisfying spells in the game since it can be used for so many different purposes and it can be combine with numerous other spells, powers, and units. For example, you can cast Fell Wind on a large group of enemy units and then use Rogash’s Troll Leap ability to land in the center of the pile, dishing out massive amounts of damage.

Summon Wights – Since it was the Witch-king that sent spirits to the Barrow Downs in order to create the Wights, we thought it was very appropriate to allow Angmar to summon Wights as one of their 15 point summons.

Avalanche – One of Angmar’s 25 point spells is gives them the ability to rain down a massive avalanche on enemy units and structures.

7. In BFME2’s ROTWK single player campaign, how long is the expected game play?

We expect the single player campaign to take around 10 hours to complete.