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The Capellan Solution – Zurück Im Leben

Lange Zeit war es ruhig um die Battletech: The Capellan Solution[/URL] -Modifikation für C&C Generals. Jetzt meldet sich die Mod mit einem Ingame Shot zurück.

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„Si#@at%on Repo&t for Oper?tio* Tan%o-Alpha-#cho

Siege &f %@&nhart Airba*^ growing in strength every day. Our fo*ces would +$ve been o%er?!n hours ago if the Nova Cats hadn’t st%$ped in w$en they did. The Ca*&lla?+ have b+en dr#%?n back to the =%rest, but not before wiping out our turret grid and 60% of ou@ &!mor and Aerospace support. I’ve pulled back the remaining heavy lances under %$ command to the supply #+pot for field r#p%ir while the rema=ning stars of Nov? %#ts defend the wes%$rn wall. Our sit+ation is critical. We !#ed any remaining SLDF forc%? +# the region to regroup at the airb%?! to repel the Capellans. If we l%$e the D$op+%ips, we lose this planet.“