EA Predator bittet euch um Hilfe. Es geht um den Patch fürs Addon. Er möchte von euch wissen, was für euch die übelsten Fehler im Addon sind. Keine langen Texte, sondern kurz und knackig. Schließlich geht es hier um einen Patch für sieben Fraktionen. Also legt los. Eure Patch Ideen könnt ihr hier los werden. Solltet ihr des Englischen nicht so Mächtig sein, legt in unserem HQ Forum los. Ich leite alles weiter.
:uk: English Version.
We are currently in production on Patch 1.01 for The Rise of the Witch-king now that the game has been out in the wild for a few weeks. We’re starting to fine tune the critical balance issues, exploits, etc and would like to know from you, the absolute most critical changes.We do not want essay long replies, just the nitty gritty most important changes with some context as to why.
Please keep your replies concise and easy to understand and if you agree with someone, please state that so we can see a trend of likes and dislikes on balance opinions.
Remember, balance is not about changing the entire game, its about baby steps to making a perfectly balanced game. With 7 factions, that’s a very challenging task, but we will make every effort to patch and balance this game.
Start posting, thanks!