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Filed under: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars

Patch 1.05 erst nächste Woche

Das Gesprächsthema von APOCs neustem Thread im offiziellen EA Forum ist, wie sollte es anders sein, das Releasedate von Patch 1.05. Da das kommende Update viele Änderungen beinhalten wird, ist die Testphase dementsprechend sehr groß. Dies ist auch der Hauptgrund, warum Patch 1.05 erst nächste Woche erscheinen wird. Ein paar unerwartete technische Fehler vor dem Memorial Day kamen ebenfalls hinzu.

The last thing we want to do is release a patch that affects your game negatively and does not simply fully enhance it in a 100% technical manner. We were on track to release patch 1.05 in late-May, however, last week we hit some technical snags before the Memorial Day Holiday weekend which set us back a number of business testing days within our QA department.
Because of this, we are moving the patch 1.05 release to next week. A little producer bird tells me the 1st half of the week is the better case scenario, but as all things go, we’ll keep you posted. We feel very confident on release next week.

Des Weiteren verkündet APOC, dass es in Zukunft wieder kleinere Patches geben wird, anstatt große Patches wie 1.05.

We’re committed to releasing quality patches and supporting our RTS community, that is our mantra, our goal, and it is what we will continue to do.