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Filed under: C&C 3 Kane's Rache / Kane's Wrath

Großes KW-Update

In einem Artikel des Videospiele-Magazins „Games for Windows“ werden die Unterfraktionen der GDI, der Bruderschaft von Nod und der Scrin vorgestellt, welche es im kommenden Addon geben wird. Letztere wurden jedoch noch nicht bestätigt.

Subfaction: Steel Talons

Specialty: Armored Assault

Background: Favoring Steamroller tactics, the Steel Talons rely on brute force and relatively conventional forces. Coming from the Tiberium Sun era, they don’t have access to sonic technology. That doesn’t stop Commander Michael “Mack” McNeil from getting some solid troops. Upgraded Juggernauts can garrison infantry, allowing for better defense; old favorites such as the Titan and Wolverine are back exclusively for the Talons; vehicles roll out with veterancy. The only downside is that they are less effective with infantry and air units.

Subfaction: ZOCOM (aka Zone Operations Command)

Specialty: Area-of-effect attacks; suppression

Background: ZOCOM are the sci-fi trooper equipped for the red Zones. Based off the C&C3 era and beyond, their advanced sonic technology is a great mob-attack deterrent. Shatterer tanks and ORCAs come armed with more powerful sonic attacks. Zone Troopers upgrade to Zone raiders with and area-of-effect sonic cannon and anti-air defenses, but they are less effective against conventional vehicles.[/INDENT]


Brotherhood of Nod

[INDENT]Subfaction: Black Hand

Specialty: Aggressive Infantry

Background: Kane’s elite guard forgoes stealth in favor of heavily armed –and aggressive–infantry. The result: more powerful Black Hand units, upgraded confessors, and an upgraded Avatar Warmech that starts with flame throwing ability.

Subfaction: The Marked of Kane

Specialty: Stealth Assault

Background: Kane’s “Chosen,” modified through technology and Tiberium to the point that they are barely human. Tiberium troopers (who can damage and slow down targets) replace Black Hand units. They’re not tough, but they rely on stealth and finesse to win the fight.[/INDENT]

The Scrin

[INDENT]Subfaction: “Stalker-17”

Specialty: Troop Suppression

Background: Possibly the remnants of the first invasion force, fighting off whomever they can and adapting their tactics to compete on Earth. New units like the Ravager show an emphasis on softening ground troops with hit-and-run strategies.

Subfaction: “Reaver-43”

Specialty: Ground Pounding

Background: This subfaction seems to represent “big gun” support troops sent from the Scrin home world, as evidenced by the new Mechapede, and insectiod biomech unit that starts with only a head (though you can order up as many as eight segments during battle). Spot an incoming air force? Create an AA segment.[/INDENT]

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