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C&C 3 Pro V5

Die C&C 3 Modifikation C&C 3 Pro[/URL] ist in Version 5 erschienen. Passend dazu gibt es auch einen Trailer.
Einige Änderungen dabei sind:

[INDENT] Antispam Economy
Bauzeit System von C&C Generals: Zero Hour
Effektivere Hit & Run Möglichkeiten
Scouts (Standard Infanterie) von Anfang an verfügbar (Spezialfähigkeit)
Radar erst ab Gefechtsstand, Kommandozentrale & Nervenzentrum
Neues Einheiten Design
Hard Counter Sys (neues Schadens-System bei Einheiten)
Langsamere Reparaturgeschwindigkeit
Installer für die Mod

und vieles mehr[/INDENT]

Für alle Änderungen auf Mehr klicken. (Englisch)

Harvester are more vulnerable :

They have a side 125% and a rear 150% penality
They take 150% damage from tank
They take 100% damage from rocket

They collect 800$ for green tiberium instead of 1400$
They collect 1200$ for blue tiberium instead of 2800$

Harvester cost now 1600$.


Gdi Gun soldier take less damage from rocket 10% from 25%
Gdi Gun soldier take less damage from tanks 10% from 25%

Nodmillitant gun soldier take less damage from rocket 10% from 25%
Nodmillitant gun soldier take less damage from tanks 10% from 25%

Gdi composite Gun soldier take less damage from rocket 5% from 25%
Gdi composite Gun soldier take less damage from tanks 5% from 25%

Nodmillitant infused gun soldier take less damage from rocket 5% from 25%
Nodmillitant infused gun soldier take less damage from tanks 5% from 25%

Alien disintegrator take less damage from rocket / tanks 10% from 25%

Gdi gunsoldier gain 220% bonus vs NODMilitantRocketSquad / GDIMissileSoldierSquad / NODMilitantRocket / GDIMissileSoldier

Nod millitant gain 200% bonus vs NODMilitantRocketSquad / GDIMissileSoldierSquad / NODMilitantRocket / GDIMissileSoldier

Nodblackhand take less damage from rocket 10% from 50%
Gdi grenade soldier take less damage from tank / rocket 10% from 25%
Gdi grenade composite soldier take less damage from tank / rocket 5% from 25%

Gdi rocket soldier gain + 145% bonus vs all t1 tanks (125% vs seeker)
Nod rocket soldier gain + 145% bonus vs all t1 tanks (125% vs seeker)
Gdi rocket soldier gain + 125% bonus vs all t3 tanks (125% vs seeker)
Nod rocket soldier gain + 125% bonus vs all t3 tanks (125% vs seeker)
Alien disintegrator gain 140% bonus all t1 tanks
Alien disintegrator gain 150% bonus vs other rocket soldier
Alien disintegrator gain 130% bonus vs other rifle soldier
Gdi harvester do less damage to rocket infantery (damage halfed, atm it was pointless to use these unit especially disintegrator)
Alien stormrider get 145% bonus vs all harvester

Crush revenge infantery:

alien disintegrator /gdi grenade soldier deal 800 damage when a tank run over them
Rocket soldier from gdi and nod deal 300 dmg when crushed
blackhand deal 1000 dmg when crushed

Buildings changes :

Capturable tiberium spikes have much more less health point (half)
All Refenery now take 150% damage from tank
All Warfactory nowt ake 150% damage from tank
All power plant now take 100% damage from tank ( was 75%)
All tech center take 150% damage from tank
Gdi armory heal 3 soldier by time instead of 1
Radar structure have a stealth detection radius 350 . Now radar give radar, not the cc.
Gdi medical bay can heal 3 soldier at time (from 1)
Cc build radius (280 from 360)
Cc (300) and explorer (250) warf (200) give radius, ref 100 and radar/tech center give 150 radius nothing else.
Sell ref give you 400 (coz now harasement is very effetive)
Stormrider are more resistant to rocket 80% from 100% but less to gun 120% now from 100
Alien grown accelerator cost 1800 from 1500, +35% grown instead of 50
Harvester gun do half damage vs nod atack bike

Unit changes :

Flametank now take less damage from rocket 30% (from 75) and 10% from gun and grenade
Alien seeker tank speed 100 instead of 90, it’s now harrasser.
Gdi apc mine deal 800dmg instead of 400. Price decreased to 350 radius 30 from 20
Predator /scorpion /dev tank +20% bonus vs pitbull / seeker / atack bikes
Firehawks deal 6000 damage , 2 missil instead of 4 . reload time divide by 2
Grenadier grenade travel faster in air (this change nothing to dps)
Gdi apc gun range 350 (from 250) same about nod buguy , gunwalker 350range from 300
Gdi predator are less vulnerable to gun damage 15% from 25%
Gdi mammoth tank are less vulnerable to gun damage 5% from 25%
Nod scorpion tank are less vulnerable to gun 20% from 25%
Nod avatar tank are less vulnerable to gun 10% from 25%
Scrin devourer tank take less damage from gun 12% from 25%
Scrin tripod tank take less damage from gun 10% from 25%
All tanks take more flank damage 125% from 110% (not harrasser !)
Alien corruptor take less damage from rocket 25%from 75%, 10 % gun from 25%
Nod venom do less damage on AA unit (65%) of 35 dmg on AA ( total 22.75dmg)
Nod venom lazer do less damage on AA unit 35 % of 150dmg on AA/ t3 tank and 50% vs t1 tank (52.5 / 75dmg)
Sniper pre atack delay halfed range 540 from 450
Gdi rig cost 1500 speed increased to 70 from 50 . 6000 hp instead of 5000 when deployed.
Nod stealth tank send 4 missil instead of 10, dmg unchanged . Cost 1400 instead of 1500
Tiberium green crystall deal 10dmg instead of 5 and blue 30 dmg instead of 15
Nod commando is always stealth eva warning when builded and not when in sight Range 350 from 300 speed 72 from 60
Blink teleportation pack price 1000 instead of 2000
Avatar price 2600
Alienmastermind warning sound when out of rax and not when detected on sight
Gdi grenadier range 300 from 240 (it was under the shoot’s range of a gunsoldier ‘260’…)
Gdi commando pack range 500 (was 420) hp 600 (was 500) eva warning ‘hi im there’. Range 350 from 300
orca ShroudClearingRange 450 from 300
Stealth detector modification : t1 infan (exept alien engineer) cant detect stealth.
Mammoth get a special bonus vs other t3 tank. Mammoth > avatar , mammoth > tripod
Coruptor tanks heal 35 from 40 take less damage from rocket/grenade 15% from 25% atac range 150 from 100 take more damage from tank 120% from 100
Booby trap from nodengineer recharge in 10s instead of 20s
Shocktroper only require a stasys chamber 300 range from 250 less vulnerable to rocket 5% from 25
caryall speed 140 from 100 unload and load faster
Gdi air transport vehicul load and unload faster speed 160
Buzzer take less damage from canon and rocket 10/15 from 25/25
All mcv speed 20 from 40 and cc (if you wanna expand use outpost ffs)
Bikes get 125% dmg vs nodharv 150% vs gdi/alien harvester
Pitull get 125% dmg vs nodharv 150% vs gdi/alien harvester
Seeker get 125% dmg vs nodharv 150% vs gdi/alien harvester
Rocket infantery do 220% dmg vs all structure
Gdi outpost 15s ready ,(from30) cost 800 from 1500 have repair drone refund 200
Nod outpost 15s ready , ,(from30) cost 800 from 1500 have cloak field (250radius) refund 200
Scrin outpost 15s ready ,(from30) cost 800 from 1500+10 power and detecte stealth (400rds) refund 200
Grenadier do more damage to all structure 250%
Nodbeam canon lazer clip reload time 0.5 from 0.7,
Gdi apc mine fromapc delay before on the ground divide by 3
Seeker / pitbul / bikes are less vulnerable to gun
(except scrin coz low range) all rocket soldier do less damage to harasser 60% vs bikes / pitbull (now tank do well vs them) and 90% vs seeker tanks
Devourertank need more time to ‘eat tib’ 50 speed from 55 dev tank get +33 % dmg vs avatar when tiberium and 15 % without
Nod harv hp : 6500
Tripod lose 10% speed range 330 from 350 (this will help vs slow mamoth coz they alwyas outrange them)
Beam avatar dmr 1250 from 600
Zt have less delay before jetpack
gdi orca take 120% damage from gun (apc bugy gunwalker do gun damage)
devourer tank range when tiberium reduced by 10% meaning 310 from 350, after using all tiberium they 350 again
orcado less damage on gunwalker 80% , orca die in 1vs1 but most of the time orca leave gunwalker at 1hp
All comando are now unvulnerable to tiberium (they don’t suffer from tib on the ground)
Nod beam canon power 250dps from 150 but 5 sec recharge time
Nod guns soldier 50 speed from 43
Apc nod bugy and gunwalker are 120 120 110 % more vulnerable to tank
Shadow team take 5% dmg vs tank (from 25) and 10% from rocket (was 25)
Tech center now all cost 2500s
Apc and buguy and gunwalker are less vulnerable to gun
All guner are slower build time 1.5 multiplicator
All aircraft which need to recharge lose more hp when they are out of ammo and out of airfield
If refenery nod and gdi are dead you lose 50% money which was inside
Nod vertigo speed reduced to 140 from 165
All harvester move 20% slower , dock time patched (7.5 sec from 9)
tech center cost 2500
4. GDI infrantry squads Dig-in abillity, right now its a 100 and very powerfull by increasing the price we could fix this problem.
12sec 300 price
2. Planetairy assault carrier and its counters… 120% from gun, 110% from rocket
grenadier -> 50%dmg on inf , 550$ bt 10

Special power

Gdi airbone removed and replaced by mamouth air support
Gdi SupportBloodhound 2800 from 3000$
Gdi zt drop 3600 from 4500$
Nod cloakfield price 1500 from 3000 , damage vs infantery divide by 5
Catalyst missil deal 500dmg but deal 7000dmg on :
GDITiberiumSilo / GDIHarvester / GDIRefinery / NODTiberiumSilo / NODHarvester / NODRefinery
NODTiberiumLiquidationFacility (price 2000$ unchanged)
Gdi and nod air call drop pirce 150$ from 500 Load and unload time 0.5s from 2s
Gdi dig bumker take less damage from tank 15% from 75%. Take less damage from gun 10% from 25%. 50% from rocket
Orca air strike cost raise to 1000 but deal 1500 dmg instead of 750 radius 50 instead of 30
Veterancy is finnaly fixed
All sw recharge time become 5min instead of 8
Nod vapor bomb radius 150 from 200 (can’t kill a tech center but put in red hp 9600 hit on 10000hp )
Gdi sniper comming from sky are avaible if gdi armory + airfield and not tech center. Cost 3000
Alien phase field duration 30s from 40s
Blink rechage time on shock trooper 20s from 30s teleport unpack time 0.5s from 1s
Buzzer swarn cost 1000 from 1500 but create only 3 buzzer
Sniper coming from sky go to armory and not on tech center


Gdi strato fighter cost 1500$ instead of 2000
AlienReactorForcefieldGenerator 4500 instead of 5000
Gdi railgun upgrade 4000 instead of 5000
Nod emp burst price 1500 from 1000
Alien blink pack upgrade go to radar
Plasma disk laucher is now 2000
Gdi sensor pod fo to radar
Nod emp burst avaible from nod radar
catalyst missil put all harvester and refenery in red hp on a 200radius. It can kill it by a random dmg.
harasser bonus (seeker, pitbull, bikes) are now very efficient vs tech center and radar. 215% dmg and 500% vs tech center
apc do only 50% dmg vs disntegrator
Greandier and blk hand take less dmg in tiberium
cloakfield littleradius recharge 3.30 to avoid spaming and radius reduced
elite troop scrin send emp as crush revenge
airfiled build radius 100
stasis chamber provide blink pack
refund value of explorer 200 (you are not suposed to sell your explorer)
All t1 turret do now 120% damage on t1 tank
nod comando auto heal when not moving and autoheal
seeker can now counter flame tank (special bonus to make it efficient as a scorpion tank vs this nod unit)
shockwave from space do 30% dmg on inf
corupter is now 800$
Engineer need warfactory and buildtime doubled (10sec from 5)
sensor pod life time increased
stormryder do 145% dmg on harvester, 20% more dmg on building
Space strike and orcastrike don’t show beacon.
All t3 tank upgraded do less dmg on buildings
engineer and black hand can’t call air transport but can use the permanent carryal for infantery

Defense tower change :

Gdi gun tower buildtime 15 seconds from 6 / take less damage from gun 10% damage from 25%
Gdi canon tower buildtime 20 second from 12 / take less tank damage 40 % from 75%
Gdi aa battery 15 second from 8 take less gun damage 10% damage from 25%
Gdi t3 tower 20 sec unchanged take less gun damage 5% damage from 25%

Nod gun tower builtime 15 second from 6 take less damage from gun 10% damage from 25%
Nod lazer tower buildtime 20 second from 12 take less tank damage 40 % from 75%
Nod obelisk buildtime 20 second from 18 take less gun damage 5% damage from 25%
Nod aa battery 15 sec from 8 take less gun damage 10% damage from 25%

Alien t3tower 28 sec from 30 price 2800 5% from gun (was 25)
Alien ‘gun’ tower 15 sec from 6 10% frm gun (was 25)
Alien tank tower : 20sec from 12 40% from tank now(was 75%)
Alien aa 15 sec from 8 10% gun from25 now