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Filed under: C&C 3 Kane's Rache / Kane's Wrath

Neue Trailer und Bilder

Es sind wieder neue Trailer erschienen. In diesem könnt ihr FMV-Szenen sehen, gepaart mit Ingame-Sequenzen, die die einzelnen Spielstile der Subfraktionen vorführen. Außerdem werden die Logos der Subfraktionen noch einmal gezeigt. Am Ende des Videos kommt folgende Aufforderung:

„Unite the Brotherhood“

Desweiteren sind ebenfalls neue Bilder erschienen, von denen wohl nur 1 wirklich neu ist. Dazu kommt ein Text, der die Bruderschaft von Nod beschreibt, wie zuvor schon bei den beiden Subfraktionen.

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The Awakened

In the aftermath of his loss in the First Tiberium War, Kane tasked several of his most trusted followers with a project of utmost secrecy – to create an army entirely devoid of free will; one that would obey the Prophet’s will without question or conscience. Cloistered away in the wastelands of central Asia, these scientists spent the ensuing decades pursuing that goal, the first results of which became visible with the Cyborg Infantry and Commando utilized by CABAL during the Second Tiberium War.

Equipped with an arm mounted direct-fire weapon and a high-impact EMP emitter, the Awakened are suited for any ground engagement. While shredding through infantry is pure instinct, skilled commanders can utilize the EMP Blast to disable enemy vehicles, allowing anti-armor units to finish the kill unchallenged. Due to their melding of flesh and machine, the Awakened boast the toughest armor of any tier 1 infantry unit.

The Enlightened

The ultimate realization of Kane’s vision of an army stripped of its humanity and free will, the Enlightened are truly a horrifying sight to behold. While their weaker brethren, the Awakened, still bear some traces of humanity in their desiccated flesh, the Enlightened are almost entirely cybernetic – the last vestiges of their prior form encased in layers of bone white battle armor, faces concealed behind eyeless masks devoid of human emotion.

Deployed to counter the mass of GDI vehicles often seen on the battlefield, the Enlightened are equipped with the latest particle beam weaponry. Capable of melting vehicle armor, these weapons can be further upgraded with supercharged particle beams for to maximize damage. Combined with the EMP Blast attached to their arms, the Enlightened are an all-in-one vehicle hunter. A dangerous combination of power and speed, the Enlightened can also be upgraded with advanced cybernetic legs for increased speed to increase their effectiveness against scout vehicles,


Developed during the post-Second Tiberium War period, Nod’s Specter Stealth Artillery tank was designed as the ultimate evolution of the artillery-based guerilla warfare tactics first developed in Southeast Asia during the mid-twentieth century. The Specter is able to alternate between two modes – a high-speed stealth mode, and a long-range and and high-impact, yet long range mode, making it a confounding opponent to face on the battlefield. Able to enter occupied territory undetected, deploy, take out key structures and vanish before the enemy can hope to react, it is truly an insidious, dangerous opponent.

The epitome of hit and run tactics, the stealth Specter Artillery can decimate enemy bases and vehicles. Armed with the longest range of any unit on the battlefield, the Specter is even able to pinpoint targets from across the map when combined with the Shadow Team’s targeting beacon. While the flight time of the shell is long, advanced commanders will learn to force-fire the weapon and predict where enemy patrols might end up. The Specter is truly a dangerous and powerful addition to Nod’s arsenal.


While Nod recruits have never been in short supply, Nod commanders demanded a vehicle to protect the faithful after losing many veteran soldiers. In response, Nod scientists created blueprints for the Reckoner, a multi-plated armored personnel carrier. With ample space for multiple squads, the Reckoner is able to deploy into a fortified bunker at will. This vehicle also includes safety measures to automatically deploy into a bunker if it takes too much damage while mobile. Thus far, Nod infantry forces have not complained.

An incredibly versatile vehicle, the Reckoner can be used for both offensive and defensive tactics. Loading the Reckoner with Saboteurs, Commandos, or even Black Hand makes for a devastating base rush, made even more dangerous if the Reckoner is upgraded with Dozer Blades for increased crushing ability. Alternatively, deploying a Reckoner near your base or a choke point and utilizing the three garrison slots can make an excellent defensive fortification.

Confessor Cabal

While the Nod Confessor has been an increasingly common sight on the battlefield since the Second Tiberium War, it was not until the establishment of Brother Marcion’s post-Slavik Black Hand that these armored priests were considered effective combatants in their own right. Seeking to bolster his own standing as a ‘pure’ religious figure, untainted by the purported heresy of his predecessor, Marcion took the radical step of replacing his standard Nod Militant advance guard with regiments of combat ready Confessors. Always armed with machine guns and psychotropic hallucinogenic grenades, Confessors allow Marcion to better to spread his word…and put his enemies to the sword.

A replacement for the standard Militant Rifleman, the Confessor Cabal is the foundation of Marcion’s army in the Black Hand sub-faction. Using their presence as inspiration, infantry within the Confessor’s radius will fight with increased vigor, firing faster and becoming more resistant to incoming damage. Confessors can throw hallucinogenic grenades at enemies, causing enemy infantry to friendly fire in a fury of confusion and rage. The Confessors also pack quite a punch themselves, with the potential of upgrading to charged particle beams.

Tiberium Trooper

With the ‘defection’ of GDI’s Dr. Giraud in 2047, Nod’s ongoing experiments with Liquid Tiberium have finally begun to bear fruit in the form of portable, battlefield-ready weaponry. The Tiberium Trooper is the first Nod combatant to utilize these new armaments. His heavily armored, cybernetically-enhanced form is equipped with two large containment tanks and a reinforced spray nozzle, allowing for the rapid dispersal of Liquid Tiberium over a large area.

The Tiberium Trooper serves the Marked of Kane as a support unit on the battlefield, utilizing their Liquid Tiberium spray to drown enemy infantry and clear out garrisoned structures. Liquid Tiberium can also slow enemy vehicles, providing enough time for allies to swarm in for the kill. To help in this process, Tiberium Troopers can be upgraded with Cybernetic Legs to increase speed and close the distance.


A significantly more primitive precursor to Nod’s Avatar, the Purifier was inspired by Brother Marcion’s first hand urban combat experience during the Second Tiberium War. Upon its initial deployment, the Purifier was the subject of no small amount of controversy, with many Black Hand hardliners decrying the use of a ‘soulless machine’ within a religious army that otherwise stood opposed to such devices. Marcion, seeking to prevent further schism within the Black Hand, remedied the situation by requiring that each machine be blessed by a Black Hand abbot before entering the battlefield.
While the Purifier is unable to commandeer technology off allied vehicles, every Purifier comes equipped with a shoulder mounted flamethrower in addition to the Obelisk laser. Able to torch enemy infantry and clear out garrisoned structures, the flamethrower can even melt enemy armor when upgraded with the religious blue Purifying Flame. Black Hand units have become so confident in the presence of a Purifier that they will fight with increased vigor when in the presence of these towering war machines.


With the Black Hand dismissing stealth technology, the philosophy of the classic Stealth Tank no longer fit within the Black Hand’s arsenal. However, this banishment of the Stealth Tank resulted in the Black Hand becoming increasingly vulnerable to aircraft, with battalions of Flame Tanks being incinerated by Orca strike craft. In an effort to protect his hardware, Marcion demanded a proper replacement to the Stealth Tank. This initiative resulted in the construction of the Mantis, a droid capable of launching a barrage of missiles into the sky.

Armed with a silo of surface-to-air missiles, the Mantis is able to quickly target and fire at incoming aircraft. Beyond an already powerful payload, the Mantis can be upgraded with Tiberium Core Missiles, which significantly increases its offensive power. Fearing the potential resurgence of Nod splinter factions, the Mantis has also been equipped with stealth detection to seek out hidden cowards.