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Beta Patch 1.5

Der fünfte Patch für die Alarmstufe Rot 3 Beta ist erschienen. Dabei sind diesmal hauptsächlich Balance Änderungen, Bugs wurden – bis auf einen – keine gefixt. Die Änderungen in 1.5 gibt es unter „Mehr lesen“ zu sehen.

• Terror Drones can no longer be killed by a unit once the terror
drone is inside of it.

• All anti air ground units & base defense AA range decreased to
300 from 400.

• All Fighter Aircraft attack range decreased to 150 from 300.

• Duration of Return to Airbase power increased to 30 seconds from

• All commando’s vulnerability to EXPLOSIVE damage decreased to
50% from 100.

• ChronoRift 1,2, and 3, pre-attack delay now increased by 3

• Cryocopter Shrink Ray range increased to 300 from 200.

• IFV + Tesla Trooper combo now has a pre-attack delay and its
overall DPS was lowered.

• Tesla Trooper secondary ability toggle has a cooldown of 15
seconds. Tesla Troopers can no longer move while in their
secondary mode.

• Bear health decreased to 150 from 190.

• Toxic Corrosion effected units now do a ton more radiation
damage when they explode. The field which remains after that
explosion also does a ton more damage now.

• Shogun battleship now fires 3 shots per turret, instead of 6
(doh). Reduced damage radius of warhead to 15 from 50.

• King Oni now accelerates while charging, kind of like of the
Shogun. Decreased the duration of the charge to 4 seconds from 5.

• Balloon Bomb warhead damage decreased to 150 from 250.

• Increased radius of Honorable Discharge.

• Added experience levels to the Allied Engineer, Bear, Dog, Spy,
Soviet Miner, Allied Miner, and Rising Sun Engineer.

• Removed sinking mechanic from all remaining ships. Setup Assault
destroyer to attack subs.

• Increased the duration of Short Circuit, lowered the ammount,
removed stacking. Reduced range and radius. Increased fire

• Added small reload time to Spider Hole ability.

• Tuned Time Bomb damage.

• Tuned Orbital Dump damage.

• Increased Shogun Battleship cannon damage.

• Reduced level 1 Magnetic Satellite radius, increased level 3
Magnetic Satellite radius.

• All fighter aircraft attack range increased to 200 from 150.

• Frozen Units now have a 25% limit for being ‘over-frozen’, this
should prevent units from being frozen long after the crycopter
has gone.

• Vindicator Bombs should now actually hit moving targets.

• Multigunner Turret heal increased to 1000 from 500.

• Aircraft Carrier given the proper armor set.

• Soviet Bear vulnerability to anti vehicle fire increased (to
offset his recently buffed health).

• Egg speed reduced to 65 from 75. Egg locomotors giving a 1
second acceleration time, increased turn time by 0.5 seconds.

• Tesla Trooper toggle reload time set to 1s.

• All Japan production structures T2 upgrade costs increased by

• Japan barracks T3 upgrade cost increased by 250.

• Japan barracks egg price increased to 750 from 500.

• Japan Base Defense health increased to 1000 from 500.

• Neutral Oil Derrick initial capture bonus decreased to 500 from
1000. Money tick value decreased by 50%. Health reduced to 1500
from 3000.

• Reduced the Chrono-Swap warp in time.

• Fixed armor sets on bear, dog, & terror drone.

• Removed transportslotcount so the Apoc can be lifted by the

• Killing eggs now gives you XP.

• Multigunner IFV buildcost increased to 900 from 700.

• IFV+Peacekeeper DPS reduced.

• Riptide ACV buildcost reduced to 750 from 900.

• Guardian Tank buildcost increased to 950 from 900.

• Sickle Leap reload time reduced to 10s from 20s.

• Chopper VX speed reduced to 120 from 140.

• Mecha Tengu land speed reduced to 100 from 125, water speed
reduced to 80 from 100.

• Bullfrog Transport speed increased to 100 from 90.

• Twinblade health increased to 600 from 400.

• Hammer Tank speed increased to 75 from 60.

• Startup dialog now contains the text for the actual game. Don’t
be alarmed.

• Added Tier 3 Superweapons for all factions.

• Tweaked Vindicator bombing anims

• Added replay support. Previous versions of the beta have
automatically saved a replay of the most recent game, called
„Last Replay.RA3Replay“, in

c:Documents and Settings\My DocumentsRed Alert 3 BetaReplays

As of patch 1.5 you can run this replay by creating a shortcut to
RA3Beta.exe (or copying your desktop shortcut) and adding the
commandline argument:

-replaygame „c: Documents and Settings\My DocumentsRed Alert 3 BetaReplaysLast Replay.RA3Replay“