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RotR 1.5 – Der Anfang vom Ende

Nach längerer Zeit kann das Rise of the Reds[/URL] Team stolz eine neue Version ihrer Zero Hour Modifikation präsentieren. In Version 1.5 gibt es einige Änderungen am Spiel, die sich sehen lassen können. Ihr findet sie unter [ Mehr lesen ].
Wie bei jeder News der Modifikation kann sich auch dies mal die Ankündigung sehen lassen, weshalb ein Blick auf die RotR Seite[/URL] riskiert werden sollte.
Ihr könnt die Modifikation von der RotR Seite[/URL] herunterladen.



*****Changes Since Version 1.0*****

We have added alot of new content and changes since our previous version here is a completly compiled list of all of them.

****Bug Fixes****

-Fixed Issue Where Inferno cannons would get their range reduced after Black Napalm
-Fixed Issue Where occasionaly a Surveillance Missile would „miss“ the target and travel halfway across the map
-Fixed Issue Where ECM Tanks attempted to attack air targets with their jammer abillity weapon
-Fixed Issue Where Players could cancel building constructions just before finnishing them and get a total refund and free structure
-Fixed Issue Where Conscripts with IR Goggles would prevent a dozer from building in that area
-Fixed Issue Where Nighthawks had flash bang effects when clearing a building
-Fixed Issue where Stationary Kodiaks and Sentinels had rotating treads on the shellmap
-Fixed Issue Where gattling tanks would push the sandbags into the defending conscripts on the shellmap
-Fixed Issue Where a enter building sound could be heard multiple times at the start of the shellmap
-Fixed Issue Where Gattling Tanks would attempt to crush russian infantry behind the sandbags on the shellmap

****Maps Added/Removed****

-Added New 2 Player map Forgoten Freedom
-Added New 2 Player map Harbor 3
-Added New 4 Player Map Tournament Park
-Added New 5 Player Map Supply Lines
-Added New 6 Player Map Lone Star State

-Removed Map Dockwar
-Removed Map Kampf Um Karls Ruhe
-Removed Map Swampwood

****Comon Changes/Additions****

-Added New Win/Lose images
-Added New Waterfall objects to make waterfalls in custom maps
-Added New Geyser objects to add natural geyser in custom maps
-Added New custom civilian tank Traps in a concrete and metal varriant
-Added New custom civilian ammo stockpiles as alternative to exploding barrels

-Modified Shellmap The landed Werewolf at the defence line now has landing gear and slowly rotating rotors
-Modified Shellmap It now uses custom made tank traps
-Modified Shellmap the russian backdoor defence now has a rubble bunker to help defending
-Modified Shellmap the russian backdoor defence sandbags no longer get destroy by artillery
-Modified Shellmap russian infantry no longer give each other bonuses when killed on the shellmap
-Modified Shellmap Chinese camp it now has several ammo stockpiles to make the camp destroy itself faster
-Modified Shellmap the backdoor barracks defence now has a rubble bunker added to the defence line
-Modified all generals power aircraft none of them reveal shroud now (The direct area around the targeted location is still revealed as previously)
-Modified Locomotors for all buildable vehicles to react more realisticly to acceleration, deacceleration and recoil

-Removed „Captured Screen“ message when taking screenshots

****USA Changes****

-Added New Detention Camp for USA
-Addew New Sentry Drone Model & Cameo
-Added New Ammo Dump Generals Power for America
-Added New Spectre Gunship Model
-Added New Armor Reserves 3 Star Generals power
-Added New Crusader Model & Cameo
-Added New Paladin Model & Cameo
-Added New Firebase Howitzer Gun Upgrade (it now starts without a cannon)
-Added New Tomahawk Model + Cameo
-Added New Tomahawk long cruise mode (weapon switch)
-Added New Blackhawk Helicopter for America
-Added New Nighthawk Model + Cameo
-Added New Raptor Ammo Upgrade (increases payload from 2 to 4)
-Added New Osprey Transport (replaces chinook)
-Added New Raptor Model & Cameo

-Modified American Tech tree it now it now needs a Detention Camp for most basic units and structures and a Strategy Center for the advanced tech
-Modified Firebase it now starts out without a gun
-Modified Firebase it now has 7% less range
-Modified Firebase it now has a 50% larger deadzone
-Modified Firebase Reload time increased from 2700 miliseconds to 3000
-Modified Firebase costs decreased from 1000 to 800
-Modified Firebase Buildtime decreased from 25 seconds to 20
-Modified Nighthawk it now does 25% less damage
-Modified Nighthawk Bomb projectile it now uses the same model as a carpet bomber bomb
-Modified Nighthawk Bomb projectile it changes art to a new bomb after the Bunker Buster upgrade
-Modified Nighthawk it now uses a model based laser that shows droping a bomb instead of a dummy weapon
-Modified Raptor it now uses a model based laser that shows when firing laser guided missiles instead of a dummy weapon
-Modified Raptor it now starts with 2 missiles
-Modified Raptor it’s missiles now do 100% more damage by default (restoring the old value)
-Modified Bunker Buster Upgrade it now increases the damage of the bomb by 25%
-Modified Bunker Buster Upgrade it no longer clears out chinese bunkers
-Modified Targeteer drone it no longer shoots a laser targeting beam
-Modified Targeteer drone it now provides a permanent 25% rate of fire boost to the parent vehicle
-Modified Sentry Drone costs to 400 (was 500)
-Modified Sentry Drone Health reduced by 50%
-Modified Sentry Drone it now fires it’s gun at a constant rate and not bursts
-Modified Sentry Drone it now inflicts 20% less damage as before
-Modified Sentry Drone it now fires it’s gun it now uses GATTLING damage instead of SMALL_ARMS
-Modified Humvee health increased by 20%
-Modified Chaparral It now has active lights shown on night maps
-Modified Laser Lock for missile defenders it’s now a switchable function
-Modified Laser Lock it will no longer work as a support wepon for other missile defenders
-Modified Laser Lock it will now fire much more damaging missiles after a short delay
-Modified Pathfinders costs to 900 (Was 600)
-Modified Crusader it can now switch between tracked and hover propulsion
-Modified Protector Missile Systems they now have a small deadzone on ground targets
-Modified Flashbang it once again requires a upgrade from the barracks

-Removed Crusader Sabot Shells

****China Changes****

-Added New Breeder Reactor for China
-Added New Patriotism upgrade for China (reduces cost of infantry by 20%)
-Added New Flame Thrower upgrade for the Han Gunship
-Added New Cash hack 3 Star Generals power (same as the level 2 cash hack requires only one point)
-Added New Modified Battle Master Model & Cameo
-Added New Distant explosion sound for nucler missile explosions (chinese super weapon)
-Added New Rifle Grenade Upgrade for Redguards (allows them to clear garrisoned buildings)
-Added New Nuke Cannon EMP Shells
-Added New Nuke Cannon Model & Cameo
-Added New Battle Master Model & Cameo
-Added New Overlord Model & Cameo
-Added New Chinese Bunker Model & Cameo
-Added New Gattling Cannon Model & Cameo

-Modified Chinese Tech tree it now it now needs a propaganda center for most basic units and structures and a breeder reactor for the advanced tech
-Modified Chinese AI Scripts they will now use all new additions and weapons added in ROTR
-Modified Overlord it now has a unique damage impact sounds when hit by enemy weapons
-Modified Overlord it now gains a visual upgrade when Nuclear Reactors or Depleted Uranium Shells are researched
-Modified Battle Master it now gains a visual upgrade when Nuclear Reactors or Depleted Uranium Shells are researched
-Modified Battle Master It now has active lights shown on night maps
-Modified Nuke Cannon it will now auto fire on enemy targets within range
-Modified Nuke Cannon it can now be set in hold fire mode
-Modified Nuke Cannon it now only needs 2 seconds to deploy (was 3)
-Modified Nuke Cannon costs to 2000 (was 1600)
-Modified Nuke Cannon Outer blast radius increased by 33%
-Modified Nuke Cannon Outer blast damage increased by 300%
-Modified Nuke Cannon Radiation field radius increased by 33%
-Modified Nuke Cannon Shell Detonation it is now much larger and displays a actual mushroom explosion
-Modified Gattling Cannon it now required more shots to spin up to the maximum rate of fire (only affect pre chaingun upgraded cannons)
-Modified Gattling Cannon it rate of fire increased from 240 miliseconds to 360 (only affect pre chaingun upgraded cannons)
-Modified Gattling Tank it now required more shots to spin up to the maximum rate of fire (only affect pre chaingun upgraded Tanks)
-Modified Gattling Tank it rate of fire after the chaingun upgrade increased from 400 miliseconds to 300
-Modified ECM Bomb power it now makes anti air units target the flares randomly for a short peroid
-Modified ECM Tank it’s jammer ability will now slowly shutdown enemy vehicles within the target area
-Modified Inferno Cannon It now has active lights shown on night maps
-Modified Troop Crawler It now has active lights shown on night maps

****Russia Changes****

-Added New Weapons Bunker for Russia
-Added New Shmell Rocket Upgrade for RPG Conscripts (allows them to clear garrisoned buildings)
-Added New RPG VDV Soldier to the VDV Drop
-Added New Russian barracks Model & cameo
-Added New Sentinel Model & Cameo
-Added New TU 160 Blackjack Skin
-Added New VVS Fighter Support 1 Star Generals power (unlocks airfields)
-Added New Russian Helipad (all russian helicopters are build and repaired here)
-Added New Blackout Node 5 Star Generals power
-Added New Unique Turret Rotation Sound for the Sentinel
-Added New Werewolf Model & Cameo

-Modified Russian Tech tree it now it now needs a Weapons Bunker for most basic units and structures and a Industrial Plant for the advanced tech
-Modified Shock Trooper their projectiles are no longer affected by ECM
-Modified Shock Trooper their projectiles are no longer targeted by point defence laser
-Modified Shock Trooper Electric Weapon infantry will now die with the tesla death from this weapon
-Modified Sentinel it now has a unique damage impact sounds when hit by enemy weapons
-Modified Russian Targeting Satellite it now has a small satelite icon above the actual scan object to indicate the owner of the scan power
-Modified Russian Targeting Satellite it can now be moved from it’s original location
-Modified Conscript paradrop they are now paradropped by a MI26 Cargo Helicopter
-Modified BMP it is now affected by the ERA Upgrade
-Modified BMP & BMD autocannon it now fires in bursts rather than at a constant rate
-Modified VDV Drop the BDM Vehicles are now dropped much closer to the actual drop zone
-Modified VDV Soldier they now do GATTLING damage instead of SMALL_ARMS
-Modified Surveillance Missile it can no longer be shoot by point defence lasers
-Modified Surveillance Missile it can now be engaged and destroyed by any AA weapon
-Modified Kashtan Ground Weapon damage decreased by 25%
-Modified Kodiak MG it’s now a seperated turret that works the same as a overlord gattling cannon
-Modified Golem it now has a small MG turret like the Kodiak
-Modified Rubble Bunker it will now fire on it’s own and spawn 2 conscripts on destruction rather than acting as am firebase
-Modified Rubble Bunker Detonation button it will now kill the bunker instead of „sell“ it
-Modified Russian Dozer It now has active lights shown on night maps
-Modified Russian Airfield it now requires a 1 star unlock
-Modified Russian Airfield it now only has place for 3 aircraft
-Modified Russian Airfield it now has 3 runways instead of 2
-Modified Russian Airfield it now has a new unique model
-Modified Russian Helipad it now has a unique selection sound

-Removed Helicopter production from Russian airfield
-Removed Werewolf generals power unlock
-Removed Satellite Blackout[/INDENT]