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Interview zur Iphone Version

Nachdem EA vor Kurzem die offizielle Seite zur Iphone Version[/url] von Alarmstufe Rot 3 gestartet hat, wurde nun auch ein Interview mit dem Executive Producer Dan Teodorescu veröffentlicht. In dem Interview erfahrt ihr unter Anderem, dass kurz nach Release ein kostenloses Update erscheinen wird, das den Multiplayer Modus mit einbaut, sowie den Grund für das Auslassen des Imperiums der aufgehenden Sonne: Die dritte Fraktion soll später als Addon veröffentlicht werden.

Das vollständige Interview findet ihr unter „[ Mehr lesen ]“.
Why is the iPhone a great platform for Command & Conquer?

Even from the early prototypes, it was obvious to us that the iPhone platform features will enable us to make a compelling, intuitive, fun RTS. The large screen means an uncluttered user interface, while the touch input allowed us to come very close to the PC in terms of troop control, base building, and simply getting around the map.

What type of concepts and designs did you go through when creating the touch controls?

The concept was simple: easy to grasp for the user, natural movements and it had to be suited for fast paced action. We did a lot of work on the prototypes with PC and Console RTS control schemes, with hands-on focus groups. We took the best from each one and created a control scheme that felt natural and intuitive for the players.

What were the primary goals in creating the user-interface for C&C iPhone?

The interface was created to help the user play the game with maximum ease. The large iPhone screen allows a rich deep visual experience – We created the interface to support that experience. Every element is available to the user when needed, but we had to be careful to balance between the minimum required information and flexible on-screen controls, all without compromising on functionality. Also, depending on the type of player and gameplay state, you can even hide various interface elements – are you immersed in an all-out assault on the enemy base? Go ahead and hide the build HUD, to better watch the fireworks. It’s beautiful and easy to use.

How easy is it to play the game? RTS usually requires a keyboard and mouse, how did you solve this problem?

It’s extremely easy. Scrolling, selecting and issuing commands with your fingers actually feels very natural. It’s a new and refreshing experience but again without compromising on maintaining all of the modern RTS features: Groups, Map scroll, Rally points, Zoom, Group focus, etc. They’re all in there – right at your fingertips!

The visuals for C&C iphone are fantastic, what were the visual targets the team had?

The team’s goal in the visual department was to keep it as close as possible to what a PC C&C fan would be used to and the iPhone’s incredible 3D power really allowed us to do this. It is an immensely powerful device in the graphics department, and we really pushed it to the limit. High quality 3D models, superb texturing on the buildings and units, along with zoom in/out capabilities make for a very exciting visual experience. We really feel that we stayed true to the style and graphics quality set by the PC team in this regard.

How many missions are in the game and what is the general storyline?

The main campaign is divided into ten chapters, five for each faction. The main storyline takes place just before the events of Red Alert 3, focusing on the fall of the Soviets, their struggle to create the Time Machine, and the conflict with the Allies who are trying to stop them. Iconic elite units like Natasha and Tanya play an important part in the conflict, and you’ll be able to commandeer their abilities to aid your chosen faction, and lead them to victory.

What are the multiplayer plans for C&C iPhone? We know you have something under your sleeve to share!

A free multiplayer update for C&C will be available soon. You will be able to play with your friends in head-to-head matches on all existing and future skirmish maps via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. If you liked the single-player action – you will go crazy playing the multiplayer!

What happened to the Empire of the Rising Sun?!

The Empire of the Rising Sun Expansion pack will also be available for download very soon. This will allow players to expand the action with a third faction with its own story, units and buildings. You’ll also get extra elite Soviet and Ally units for even more intense battlefield action.

Why should any C&C fan with an iPhone download Red Alert iPhone?

The game is a must for any C&C fan, it has, great action, great game-play, stunning visuals, head-to head multiplayer, and a piece of the old school style of the games – it’s simply the best RTS on a handheld to date, if I do say so myself…