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Filed under: C&C BattleCast Primetime

Das Ende…

Die nächste Battlecast Primetime Folge, die in den nächsten Tagen erscheinen wird, wird vorerst die letzte sein, die EA zu bieten hat. Grund dafür wird wohl die Auflösung des Entwicklerteams sein. APOC äuserte sich zu der Thematik BCPT im offiziellen Command & Conquer Forum dazu.

Hey everyone,

Pardon the tardiness and interruption, and as the title suggests, i’m here to announce that the next episode of BattleCast Primetime will be our final curtain call, the final episode. It’s the epic conclusion to the BattleCast Primetime Saga.

What many coined as the first ever monthly „Sportscenter“ show for any game, igniting on August 14, 2007, has evolved over 2 years, over 24 episodes, spanned the globe, and become a C&C community sensation. Love it, or hate it, BattleCast Primetime, and its family of Command School & Aftermath, have carved a gigantic place in C&C history, and won’t soon be forgotten after the final „see you on the battlefield“.

Raj, APOC, The 10, the Main Event, a couple surprises guests, how will it end? With a bang, the same way it started.

We’re currently in production on the final episode and don’t have a determined live date, but I’ll keep you posted. This being our last episode, I’ll tell you the date when I am 100% confident. We’re gunning for the end of this month if you must know.

Also, for my final APOC’s Corner, I am looking for the best „C&C Corner“ Photos to showcase in the background.

„Corner“ can be determined however you’d like, but ideally, i’m looking for photos showing great C&C collections, you and C&C, in-character photos, you as KANE, the best C&C fan photos to display in my community corner background. Show me what „your corner“ is, and you may end up in mine.

Submit your photos to

With a heavy heart, I sincerely hope the C&C community appreciates our final episode and the 2year+ run we took you on with BattleCast Primetime. The future may hold something new, but this is the final chapter, of this BattleCast Primetime Saga.

Looking forward to your photos,

BCPT gibt es nun, nachdem die letzte Folge veröffentlicht wird, seit über zwei Jahren, die mit 24 Folgen uns diese Zeit versüßte.

Was die Zukunft für BCPT angeht: The time will tell…