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Und es ist…. Eric „Gambler““CIRE“ Krause

Viel wurde gemunkelt, kommt Apoc zurück, ist es EA_StoneRose, wird er niemals bekannt wenn es keine 200.000 Fans auf Facebook gibt? Nun haben wir alle die Antwort. Der neue EA Global Community Manager für Command and Conquer ist der bisherige deutsche CM Gambler oder wie er sich nun nennt CIRE. Er hat im Command and Conquer-Blog sein erstes Interview gegeben. Mit der Übernahme dieses Posten ist er der erste Deutsche der diesen inne hat.

„Meet your new CM

Eric, aka “CIRE”
Global Community Manager

I finally got the GO to lift my dark haze, so I can now announce my new job position here at Victory Games, located within EA Los Angeles. What is my new job? You – the Command & Conquer Community – are my new dedicated full time job. Every actively involved community needs a strong voice at the studio to represent their opinions! And that will be the focus of my new job. I already know many of the hardcore leaders around the C&C world, but most of them don’t know me, so let me tell you a bit about myself.

Who am I?
My name is Eric, I am 23 years old and I live in Germany, well at least for now, because the sun and warmth of Los Angeles is already calling my name. I have been part of the C&C Community since the release of Generals in 2003. As the years passed by, I worked on different projects and community sites like CnC-Inside. It was in early 2007 when I started to see the community from another side – the EA side. The EA Community Team, which takes care of different EA franchises like Battlefield, Need for Speed and C&C for local European areas, asked me to join their team. I had some really great years collecting a lot of experience working with the community and contributing to projects like CommandCOM with our local Community Managers and APOC. Now, I find myself in the hot seat as your new global Community Manager for C&C, which is quite an honor for me.

How I came to love C&C…
It was around the release of Generals, and my favorite fan site at that time was looking for someone to translate their news. I had just finished a year of school in the US and this opportunity was perfect for me to connect my passion for C&C with some professional experience. I got the job and pretty soon became one of the admins of that page. That was my entry into the huge C&C Community. But really it was my older sister’s fault that I started playing C&C. I used to watch as she played C&C95 and Red Alert 1. However, watching somebody playing a game isn’t as satisfying as playing it by yourself, so that’s basically how I got into C&C and the Community.

My favorite C&C is…
Well, actually I have two favorite C&C titles. I really enjoyed almost every single C&C title, but two of them made their way right into my heart. The first one is Generals; I know I share that sentiment with many people in the community. I had so much fun playing it and there were so many great Mods out there, Generals has to be one of my favorites. The other one is Tiberium Wars, I really liked the dark atmosphere of the game and I loved the Scrin coming into the story with their cool units. But again, almost every C&C title is highly up on my overall favorite game list.

GDI or Nod?
GDI of course. The Brotherhood fooled us all so many times. There is only one good side to believe in!

What can you expect from me?
I am direct and honest in my communication. My main responsibility will be you. We need to bring back the glory to this great community and I will work with you during that process. One thing is for sure – C&C will be back! Nothing will happen overnight, because we want to make things right and that takes time. So I kindly ask for your patience, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? I will keep you updated on the development of new C&C titles; that is as much as I can without getting hunted down by APOC’s Army.

If you want to reach me with your cool ideas, questions or news hints, use our official forums (my name is “CIRE”) or drop me a line at CNC@EA.COM. Rest assured that we’re reading the official forums on a daily basis – even when we don’t answer every thread within three seconds.

Help us to bring C&C back to the crown of RTS gaming.“

Wir wünschen ihm viel Spaß und Glück bei seinen neuen Aufgaben. Ob er weiterhin auch die deutsche Community betreuen wird ist noch nicht bekannt.

Quellen: CNC Stage
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eingesandt von Orodreth Séregon