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RenegadeX Interview by Strategyinformer

Das Team von strategyinformer.com hatte die Möglichkeit ein Interview mit dem Gründer von Totem Arts Bilal Bakri und dem Lead Artist Robin Wilson über RenegadeX zu Führen. Bei dem Shooter handelt es sich um ein Stand-Alone Game im Tiberium Universum. Die Grundlage des Spiels ist die Unreal Engine 3. Für Februar 2014 ist der Multiplayer angekündigt. Eine Singelplayer auskopplung kann man sich schon runterladen.
Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Interview (englisch):


Strategy Informer: How would you summarise the game in your own words?

Bilal Bakri: There are two teams, the GDI – Global Defence Initiative, a UN international military – and the Brotherhood of NOD – an ancient and secretive society with a kind of messianic leader known as Kane. Players will be able to join GDI or NOD and fulfil different roles in the game. The way it translates to gameplay is that there are two different styles of play. The GDI are much more a slow and strong heavily armoured team whereas NOD suit a more faster stealthy hit and run method of attack. They’re two very different teams that play asymmetrically, but aside from that we think it’s fairly well balanced.

The objective is to destroy the enemy’s base while protecting your own. Both teams start off with three to five core buildings. Each one has a specific role; for example, the war factory which allows the construction of vehicles. As soon as a building is destroyed it no longer functions on that team and cripples a part of their capabilities. Destroyed buildings cannot be rebuilt so players need to adapt their strategies as that happens. There are also some buildings which can be captured that offer advantages such as bonus credits or revealing the enemy players’ positions on your radar.


Das gesamte Interview findet ihr auf strategyinformer.com

RenX (1)