C&C Alarmstufe Rot | Downloads: Maps

Snow Fields

Autor: Justin Rae
Archiv: field.zip
Spieler: keine Angaben vorhanden

Rivers and Snow fields are in snow terrain and have a lot of money.

Cliener’s Map E Hold The Pass

Autor: Cliener
Archiv: htp.zip
Spieler: 3-6

After four maps, I got bored with the usual style of thing and so decided to actually design a map with a mission. The result (after many months of inactivity) is this. While you still need to obliterate your enemy to win, there are key locations on the map which will shape the play.
The major reason for the long delay between maps is my discovery of custom solo missions. I’ve looked around but have been unable to find any that are any good or work and so this map remains as it is. Once I do find a suitable editor, a full solo mission will be based on this map. Also avalable as of the release of this map is C Map F Hold The Pass II which is designed for 2 players and hence has is slightly edited in comparison to this.

Cliener’s Map E Hold The Pass II

Autor: Cliener
Archiv: htp2.zip
Spieler: 2

After four maps, I got bored with the usual style of thing and so decided to actually design a map with a mission. The result (after many months of inactivity) is this. While you still need to obliterate your enemy to win, there are key locations on the map which will shape the play.
The major reason for the long delay between maps is my discovery of custom solo missions. I’ve looked around but have been unable to find any that are any good or work and so this map remains as it is. Once I do find a suitable editor, a full solo mission will be based on this map. Also avalable as of the release of this map is C Map E Hold The Pass which is designed for 3-6 players which was the basis for this map.

Mardi Gras in Louisiana

Autor: Long Viet Nguyen
Archiv: mardi.zip
Spieler: 2-4

This map is good for all kinds of tactics, except navel which is limited to a few lakes. This map has four starting points, each starting point has 4 to 5 ways in via bridges. That will make it a little harder on tank rushers, but I still wanted tank rushers to have a chance by making many bridges into base. Also, it will be hard to get
ore and gems, because all of it is across the bridges. You only start with a small supply of gems near your base. Everything else is across the bridges. There are also advantages and disadvantages in where you start. If there are only 4 ways into your base than the place is narrow and kinda hard to build in. If there are 5 ways into your base, than you get a wider place to build in. Good Luck! =)

Mountain Wars

Autor: Justin Rae
Archiv: mountain.zip
Spieler: 2-4

Moutain Wars is the snow terrain and has a lot of money.

8 Inseln

Autor: van Grunz
Archiv: RA1_8_Inseln.zip
Spieler: 8

Jeder hat seine eigene Insel, die eine eigene, unerschöpfliche Erzversorgung besitzt.
Vorzüglich für menschliche Gegner, denn im Geplänkel bauen die Computergegner viele
Landeinheiten, was das Spiel doch sehr verlangsamt (je nach CPU). Schlachtkreuzer sind wärmstens zu empfehlen, nicht nur wegen des Navigationssatelliten!

Der Hexenkessel

Autor: van Grunz
Archiv: RA1_Der_Hexenkessel_4.zip
Spieler: 4

Warum die Karte Hexenkessel heißt?

Finde es selbst heraus – es ist keine Hexerei!

Die Sanduhr

Autor: van Grunz
Archiv: RA1_Die_Sanduhr_2.zip
Spieler: 2

Zwei-Spieler-Deathmatch-Karte mit einem Marine-Kanal, der Schikanen enthält,
sowie zwei getrennte Landwege, die von beiden Seiten kontrollierbar sind.