Tiberium Haven v2
Autor: Futaris
Archiv: tb_tiberium-haven-v2.rar
Spieler: 4
This is a symmetrical map, with no advantage given to any player. Each player starts in a corner. The map is FILLED with Tiberium. There are four silos in the centre, for you to engineer. There are
also a few trees littered around the place, for you to use to ambush.

Cornflake City
Autor: CJ
Archiv: td-cornflake-city.rar
Spieler: 4
Scenario 8 control for house Multi1

Complete Annhililation
Autor: Colin Anderson
Archiv: td_annhilation.rar
Spieler: 2
This map was designed for two-player use over a null-modem connection, and as a result doesn’t play very well with more than two players. This is because there is only building space for two sides. The rest is filled up mainly with Tiberium to ensure that both players can build lots of
vehicles, and blow lots of things up.

Battle Field
Autor: Colin Anderson
Archiv: td_battle-field.rar
Spieler: 3
This map was designed for two-player use over a null-modem connection, but it would also be good with 3 players (not four). It’s best if each player starts building in either the top left, the top right, or the bottom left corner, as there is a bit of water in the bottom left, and therefore not enough room for building.

Autor: Chris Baxter
Archiv: td_apocalypse-now.rar
Spieler: 4
This level is a symmetrical level, with no advantage given to any player based on where he starts. Although they don’t look the same they are the same with no advantage in my mind, although you can form your own opinion.

Happy Birthday
Autor: Martin Christensen
Archiv: td_birthday.rar
Spieler: 2
This multiplayerlevel is my first and is meant to be a present (you will see why) to my friend who had his 21’th bithday a while ago.

Captain Culiflower’s island
Autor: Unbekannt
Archiv: td_captain-culiflowers-island.rar
Spieler: 4
Scenario 9 control for house Multi1.

Co-Op GDI 15
Autor: Unbekannt
Archiv: td_co-op-gdi-15.rar
Spieler: 2
Scenario 15 control for house GoodGuy.