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C&C Tiberian Sun | Downloads: Maps


Um die Maps benutzen zu können, müsst ihr die jeweilige ZIP-Datei runterladen und in den Tiberian Sun Maps-Ordner entpacken. Wenn ihr die CnCNet-Version von Tiberian Sun nutzt müsst ihr diese endwieder in den Maps-Unterordner „Standard“ oder „Favorites“ entpacken (der „Favorites“ wird erstellt, wenn ihr das Spiel startet und eine Map auswählt, alternativ könnt ihr diesen Ordner auch selber erstellen).

Der Map-Ordner bei der CnCNet-Version ist hier zu finden: Laufwerk:\\TiberianSun_Online\Maps

Hinweis: Das Spiel darf im Hintergrund nicht laufen, da ihr sonst die Maps im Spiel nicht finden könnt.


Spieler: 4

Game starts off early in the morning (dark) and gradually lightens up towards dawn and then back to the twilight hours. Four well defendedable starting areas with one entrance and enough pavement to give adequate subterrainian protection from the outset. There are two „old style“ Nod bases that are capturable and fully functional. One is located in the East and the other in the West. This map has some very special lighting effects. The Spotlight lights have been modified and now move more slowly The sector has been enlarged for the central spotlight. The spotlights for the civilian bases have also been slowed and the distance has been lengthened also.
The buildings have been modified to „emit“ light so that the base can be seen a little better until „sunup“. Units, infamntry, and aircraft have also been modified to „glow“ a little more than usaul for the same reasons. Starting areas and the Neutral bases have also been enhanced with low level blue lighting which has a rather appealing affect on the scene in general.
Several of the civilian houses, factories, and other facilities have also had some low level lighting effects added to them.

FS War Torn

Spieler: 4

Game starts off early in the morning (dark) and gradually lightens up towards dawn and then back to the twilight hours. Four well defendedable starting areas with one entrance and enough pavement to give adequate subterrainian protection from the outset. There are two Vein holes located in the center on top of mesa’ in the East and one in the West. The buildings have been modified to „emit“ light so that the base can be seen a little better until „sunup“. Units, infamntry, and aircraft have also been modified to „glow“ a little more than usaul for the same reasons. Starting areas have also been enhanced with low level blue lighting which has a rather appealing affect on the scene in general. Much time was spent on AI pathfinding for this particular map as it is quite a complicated map for the AI to comprehend.

Garden Party

Spieler: 6

Scenario starts in the middle of the night and slowly lightens to full daylight. The starting lamp post posts go off when the sun comes up and go off when it sets. There are six starting points scattered equidistant from each other. The ground is rough and choppy with many cliffs and arroyo’s. Also take note that there are many many trees to navigate around. Much care was taken in the building of the cliffs to avoid any path finding problems the AI might encounter, the result has been an exceptional map for skirmish play. I hope you all enjoy it. I may convert this one to either RA2 or Yuri’s revenge also , so keep an eye out for it. Enjoy the map. The vehicles,infantry, and aircraft have all been given a little extra boost to the ambient „glow“. In like manner the Military structures have been modded to emit a very small amount of light. You may experience a small amount of lag for the first 30seconds or so until all the lighting effects and trigger routines have „kicked“ in, but this will pass and normal gameplay will resume.

Ice Time

Autor: VoodooBenshee
Spieler: 2

Dies ist eine Map für zwei Spieler, in der sich die beiden Spieler um das große Tiberiumfeld in der Mitte der Schnee-Map kämpfen müssen.

Lock n Load

Spieler: 4

Straight forward battle map..nothing fancy, no triggers, sound effects or magic. just total war!! map was designed for maximum AI pathfinding. Enjoy the map.

The Long Run

Autor: Unbekannt
Spieler: 2

Eine sehr länglichen zwei Spieler-Maps, mit wenig Tiberium an den Startposition, sodass man aus seiner Basis herauskommen und expandieren muss.

Night Raids

Autor: Grendel
Spieler: 2

This is a TRUE night raid. it is a very dark map.
also beware of things that creep around in the dark.

Nordisch by Nature

Autor: Nature
Archiv: nordisch_by_nature.mpr
Spieler: 4

Eine vier Spieler-Map für ein 2vs2, wo in der Mitte der Map ein großer Fluss fließt und die beiden Teams voneinander trennt. Um zum gegnerischen Team zu kommen müssen die Teams die Brücken nutzen.